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"Rockville Road Cream" rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 558.  
Snowbird Hybrid Tea, white, center creamy, 1936, 'Chastity' x 'Louise Crette'; Hatton. Description.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 271.  
Snowbird Hybrid Tea. Hatton, 1936. Parentage: 'Chastity' x 'Louise Cretté'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 110.  
p110.  Editor.  
Mr. R. Marion Hatton, Secretary of the American Rose Society, whose wide experience makes his opinion so valuable, again tells us what he thinks of the new Roses. Australians will await with interest the coming of his own production,
"Snowbird," which has already evoked favourable comment in America. 

p111 R. Marion Hatton.  An American Opinion of the World's New Roses. 
By crossing Pemberton's lovely climber Chastity and the H. P. Louise Crette a few years ago I secured a free blooming H.T. which has been named Snowbird. The four inch flowers are creamy white, fully double very fragrant and there are a lot of them. Of course, it looks good to me. 
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