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"Rockville Road Cream" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 77-110
most recent 9 JAN 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 MAR 14 by Michael Garhart
Looking at the lineage, it obviously has a lot of stated tea parents in the lines. From the parent with unknown lines, I would hazard a guess that it descends from tea, pernetiana, and canina.

This looks like a really overlooked rose. I am curious about the ploidy of it.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 11 MAR 14 by Kim Rupert
It's a great rose for many SoCal climates, Michael. Under extreme conditions, it can rust, but provided the minimum it needs, the thing flowers and grows freely. Take a look at Louise Ave here on HMF. It is a local found rose several of us feel may actually be Snowbird. I've grown Snowbird for years as sort of an honorarium to R. Marion Hatton. He was well loved in the ARS and his rose is very good.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 11 MAR 14 by Michael Garhart
It looks like the same rose to me. They have the same spray pattern, which seems unusual for the class.

There are about 5-10 older HTs that I really think are stellar, like this one. But now they are so out of reach from being sold, and some are from Oz, too, which complicates their availability.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 9 JAN 19 by lbuzzell
Thanks to Consulting Rosarian Holly Hagy, we are planting a 'Snowbird' in the Marion Woodman Spiral Rose Garden on the Ladera campus of Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara in January 2019 to honor Marion's passing. She was a Canadian Jungian analyst, author and ecofeminist, so we hope this rose will be a fitting reminder to all of her work. Opus Archives, on the Pacifica campus, preserves Marion's papers.
Discussion id : 71-499
most recent 8 MAY 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 MAY 13 by goncmg
A vigorous, constant bloomer, my band grew to a full-size bush in 2 years. The habit (wide and can sprawl), the foliage (paler, harder, matte), the bloom shape (quite double and opening flat) are all suggestive of a tea rose and I am pretty sure I have read in some references that this rose is alternately classified as just that despite the parentage (???). Like a tea, mine is/WAS horrifically tender here in 6a! Being too big for its 12 inch terracotta pot and looking quite OGR, along with Sunny South I placed this in the ground with my other OGR's this fall. The plant went in big and healthy but did not survive the winter, killed to the ground and did not come back. Sunny South stayed green to the tips as did a large bed of Sunsprite and Julia Child. This was not an unusually cold winter in Columbus, OH/6a despite spring arriving a little late. Very surprised. Simply based on my experiences I would caution anyone north of zone 7 with this one
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