"Rockville Road Cream" rose Photos
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May 17, 2021
West Marin, Ca
Uploaded 17 MAY 21 |
California, May 2020
Uploaded 28 MAY 20 |
May 17, 2021
This is a twelve year old plant on its own roots, purchased from Vintage Gardens.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 17 MAY 21 |
1 May 2020, Livermore, CA. More magnificent with each passing year.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 1 MAY 20 |
California, May 2021
Acquired from Tom Liggett many years ago. Appears to run a little more yellow than some others, but maybe that's due to the cool weather here.
Uploaded 14 MAY 21 |
1 May 2020, Livermore, CA. More magnificent with each passing year.
Uploaded 1 MAY 20 |
15 November 2020. Livermore, CA
Uploaded 15 NOV 20 |
7 May 2019. Livermore, CA.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 29 JAN 20 |
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