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'Rosa arvensis plena' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2020)  Page(s) website.  
R. arvensis plena
A filled form of the R. arvensis, the field rose. The small, double white flowers stand in small clusters, they have a fine scent. A summer-flowering variety that can be planted as a rambler or ground cover.
Colour: White
Fragrance: Medium
Once flowering: (June-July)
Height: 400-500 cm
Growth type: Arching branches
Flower: Double, small, 2 cm
This double form of R. arvensis, the field rose, was found by Louis Lens in the wild (Province of Namur) in 1982. The double, pure white flowers stand in small clusters and have a fine scent. Louis describes them as 'lying flat with three crowns in which the beautiful yellow stamens attract the eye'. The leaves are egg-shaped, dark green and firm. The plant has a strong, overhanging growth and can be planted as a ground cover or climbing rose. A robust perennial.
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