'Mrs. Lovell Swisher' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 398. Mrs. Lovell Swisher Hybrid Tea, salmon-pink, 1926, Seedling x 'Souv. de Claudius Pernet'; Howard, F.H. Description.
Book (1936) Page(s) 429. Lovell Swisher, Mrs. (HT) Howard & Smith 1926 ; ? X Sv. Cl. Pernet; soft salmon-pink, edges flesh-pink, large, double, fine form, solitary, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, repetas, growth 7/10. Sangerhausen
Magazine (Sep 1930) Page(s) 123. Les meilleurs roses nouvelles de 1926 par Monsieur Meilland... Mrs Lowel Swisher (Obtenteurs : Howard & Smith ; éditeur : H. A. Dreer). — Fleur d'un coloris unique, attrayant et nouveau: rose saumoné délicat, passant au rose carné vers le bord. Arbuste très vigoureux, excessivement florifère.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 4. Novelties and Scarce Roses Mrs. Lovell Swisher. Hybrid Tea. (Howard & Smith, 1926.) Large, beautifully pointed buds and gorgeous flowers of salmon-pink and gold, passing to flesh-pink at the edges. Strong grower and a free bloomer. Very impressive in its magnificent size and beauty of form, but the color is not particularly startling. The plant grows thriftily and blooms much better than most of its type. It improves on acquaintance. $1.50 each.
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 37. New Roses 1927 Mrs. Lovell Swisher (HT. Howard & Smith 1926) 3. Outside of petals lilac rose passing to.....Colour varies considerably. Everywhere.
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 19. Hybrid Teas, Teas and Pernetiana. Mrs. Lovell Swisher. Hybrid Tea. (Howard & Smith, 1926.) Buds deep copper salmon at base, to salmon-pink at tips. The developed flowers are salmon-pink, deepening towards the center.
Magazine (1928) Page(s) 61. Concours internationale de Bagatelle de 1928...Mrs Love H. Swisher, présentée par Howard et Smith, grande rose pâle, centre plus vif, teinté jaune paille, rosier vigoureux.
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 31. New Roses 1927. Mrs. Lovell Swisher (HT. Howard & Smith) Outside of petals deep lilac rose passing to madder lake and deep yellow at centre; outside of petals pale flesh shading to amber yellow at base. The shapely blooms are very attractive, and are tea scented. Growth and flowering are good. 35 to 40 petals. Recommended. 5/– each.
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 49. Eight Wonderful Novelties in Hybrid-Teas The eight varieties offered under this heading are of such outstanding merit that we are confident that every one of them will quickly find a place in all up-to-date lists. Mrs. Lovell Swisher (Howard & Smith, 1926). An American raised Rose which has come to stay. It is a remarkably vigorous grower, freely producing perfectly formed, long shapely buds with nicely reflexing petals that develop into good double flowres. The color of the buds is a deep coppery salmon at base merging to salmon-pink at the tips. The developed flowers are also salmon-pink, deepening toward the centre. Delightfully tea scented. $2.00 each.
Book (1926) Page(s) 185. Mrs. Lovell Swisher Hybrid Tea. (Howard & Smith, 1926.) Unnamed seedling x 'Souvenir de Claudius Pernet'... delicate salmon-pink passing to flesh on the edges...