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'Mrs. Lovell Swisher' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 11-436
most recent 28 AUG 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 MAR 06 by Kim Rupert
Lovell Swisher was a prosperous Los Angeles business man who was prominent in the Men's Garden Club of Southern California. These gentlemen were largely responsible for the tropical and sub tropical street plantings we have enjoyed for the past century.

The story I've heard for years is that Mr. Swisher was married to a much younger woman, sort an early trophy wife. He commissioned the Howard Rose Company to name a new Hybrid Tea for his lovely, young wife. Shortly after the rose was introduced, Mrs. Swisher reportedly ran off with either the butler or chauffeur, depending upon who's telling the story. Mr. Swisher reportedly spent over $20,000 of pre Depression dollars buying up all the stock he could to prevent the rose from continuing. History doesn't (as far as I have been able to determine) record what happened to the young Mrs. Swisher. Fortunately for us, she still exists. Mrs. Lovell Swisher is a beautiful rose, and one which, despite the woman she was named to honor, is well worth growing today.
Reply #2 of 1 posted 28 AUG 10 by Roger Mann
The story of Mrs Swisher's adultery and Mr Swisher's frantic attempts to have the rose's name changed, and having failed in that, to buy up and destroy every plant, is an urban legend.

Charles Lovell Swisher (1886 - 1980) and Lucy Adella Cleveland (b. 1891) were married in 1914 and lived happily together all their lives. So the family informed when it repeated the old story a few years ago.

There is also a two-toned pink fuchsia named 'Mrs Lovell Swisher', which was introduced by Evans and Reeves in 1942, long after the suppose divorce.
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