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— A —
Rose (member) Garden. 682 plants listed. 29 photos. USDA zone 4a.
37 favorite votes. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
Rose (member) Garden. 70 plants listed. USDA zone 11.
8 favorite votes. Listed as 'Comtes des Champagne'.
Lower Saxony, Germany
Rose (member) Garden. 36 plants listed. 27 photos.
7 favorite votes. Listed as 'Comtes des Champagne'.
Rose (private) Garden. 83 plants listed. 8 photos. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
Rose (public) Garden. 203 plants listed. 166 photos.
5 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Comtes des Champagne'.
— B —
Rose Garden. 127 plants listed. 8 photos. USDA zone 5b.
1 favorite vote. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
Rose (member) Garden. 284 plants listed. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden and Author. 365 plants listed. 507 photos. USDA zone 4b.
22 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Comtes des Champagne'.
Rose and clematis (member) Garden. 593 plants listed. 1 photo. USDA zone 8a.
3 favorite votes. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
— C —
Rose (member) Garden. 498 plants listed. 1 photo.
1 favorite vote. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
Rose and clematis (member) Garden. 240 plants listed. 2 photos. USDA zone 8b.
8 favorite votes. Listed as 'Comtes des Champagne'.
Rose (public) Garden. 409 plants listed. 8 photos. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
Rose (member). 71 plants listed.
1 favorite vote. Listed as 'Coniston'.
Rose, peony and clematis (limited public access) Garden. 3957 plants listed. 2715 photos. USDA zone 9b.
52 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Comtes des Champagne'.
Rose, peony and clematis Garden. 17 plants listed. 8 photos. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
— D —
Rose Garden. 194 plants listed. 8 photos.
1 favorite vote. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
Rose, peony and clematis (public) Garden. 411 plants listed. USDA zone 5a.
13 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Comtes des Champagne'.
— E —
Rose (member). 93 plants listed. 4 photos. USDA zone 6b. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
Rose (member) Garden. 268 plants listed. 2 photos.
10 favorite votes. Listed as 'Comtes des Champagne'.
Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden. 762 plants listed. 8 photos. Listed as 'Comte de Champagne'.
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C - Comments E - Events | I - Introductions J - Journal | L - Plant List M - Promotions | N - Newsletter P - Photos | R - Ratings/Votes T - Notes | V - Favorite |