'Mrs. Robert Peary' rose References
Book (1958) Page(s) 269. Mrs. Robert Peary. Cl.HT. (De Voecht & De Wilde; int. Dingee & Conard, 1898.) White sport of Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria.
Book (1936) Page(s) 549. Peary, Mrs. Robert (HP) de Voecht & de Wilde 1897 (Dingee & Conard); Sport of K. Aug. Viktoria; white to cream, continuous bloom, very climbing habit, hardy.
Book (1931) Page(s) 147. Mrs. Robert Peary , Cl.H.T. ( De Voecht & De Wilde 1897 ) - Climbing , Kaiserin
Book (1924) Page(s) 60. Mrs. Robert Peary . Cl .HT . ( De Voecht & De Wilde , 1897. ) A beautiful , perfectly shaped rose of waxy white , shading to soft primrose . Has been sold as Climbing Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria .
Website/Catalog (1898) Page(s) 14, inside back cover. Includes photo(s). p. 14: MRS. ROBERT PEARY (formerly No. 999). The first White Hardy Ever-blooming Climbing Rose. Now introduced for the first time and for sale only by The Dingee & Conard Company. (See colored-plate illustration, last cover page.) This is by all odds the most remarkable new Rose of recent introduction. It is an offspring of that grand variety, Kaiserin Augusta Victoria, and is the first white hardy ever-blooming Climbing Rose, and as such meets a demand that has never been supplied. The flowers are extra large, full, deep and double. They are of excellent substance and are produced on long stiff stems, like a forcing Rose; in fact, both in bud and flower, this grand new variety is superior in grace and finish to any white cut-flower Rose. The buds are long and pointed, a remarkable feature not found in any other Climbing Rose; the fragrance is delicious. The most remarkable feature of this variety, however, is that it blooms continuously the first year,a characteristic found in no other white climbing Rose. Then it is absolutely hardy and its flowers are truly beautiful. If you want a quick-growing hardy climbing Rose—one that will give you flowers this year—this is the only white variety that will do it. It has no weak spot. It grows to perfection outdoors, throwing up numerous shoots, 10 to 15 feet high, in a single season. We regard it as the most important introduction of modern times. We paid $500 for the original plant, growing in a four-inch pot, and considered it cheap at that price. We paid $100 for a name for it. It is named in honor of MRS. ROBERT PEARY, that brave little woman who faced the perils of the frozen Northern desert with her husband in his attempt to reach the North Pole. Be sure to include this variety with your order. Its beauty and healthy, thrifty growth will astonish you. There is no better value in this book. For a sensational new Rose, of pronounced superiority over all others, the price is wonderfully low. Be sure to try it. (See third and fourth pages of cover for further particulars ) Strong three-inch pot plants, ready for immediate blooming, 75 cts. each; 2 for $1; 5 for $2, postpaid by mail. Two-year-old plants, $1.25 each.
p. inside back cover: The first Pure White Hardy Ever-blooming Climbing Rose Mrs. Robert Peary. formerly “No. 999.” Now introduced for the first time and for sale only by The Dingee & Conard Company. No doubt all our friends are familiar with the remarkable contest for a suitable name for this superb new Rose which has been known heretofore as ‘‘No. 999.’’ The contest was ~ inaugurated September 1, 1897, and $100 cash was offered for the best name. Of the thousands submitted, the committee appointed to select the best one decided upon MRS. ROBERT PEARY - as the most appropriate, and $100 cash was di-vided among the five persons who suggested it. It seems to us that the committee’s selection is a particularly happy one, inasmuch as it is a worthy tribute to American women in general to name this magnificent new Rose in honor of one of the most notable members of their sex—that intrepid little woman who braved the perils of the frozen Northern desert with her husband in his attempt to reach the North Pole. The pages of history abound with thrilling narratives of fearless men who, in striving to add honor and glory to their country’s name, gave up their lives in that desolate and mysterious region over which the Ice King reigns supreme; and when it is written, history will tell in no less thrilling language of the remarkable feat of this courageous woman, who left all the pleasures of a cosy home to face the terrors of the gloomy, snow- bound North as the aid and comforter of her daring husband, and returned to tell of things never before seen by civilized man. America, and more especially American women, are justly proud of Mrs. Robert Peary; and man, who styles himself ‘lord of creation,’’ must applaud the wonderful pluck and self-reliance which carried her through this dangerous experience. We therefore think it entirely fitting to dedicate this grand new Rose to the American women.....
Website/Catalog (1897) Page(s) 2. Wanted, A Name $ 100 Cash will be paid for it We will introduce and offer for sale, January 1, 1898, what we believe to be the rarest and most beautiful novelty yet found in Roses—nothing less than a pure, white, hardy, ever-blooming Climbing Rose, with magnificent long-pointed buds and full, deep flowers, the equal in grace and finish of any cut-flower Rose, with the most delicious fragrance imaginable! Until a suitable name shall have been selected, it will be known as No. 999. An idea of its beauty may be had from our illustration on the accompanying colored plate. Our achievements in originating and introducing New Roses have earned us a world-wide reputation, but we are confident that No. 999 will be our greatest introduction. $100 for a Moment’s Thought—Better than Klondike. We want this Rose to have a name appropriate to its beauty, pleasing to flower lovers, and one that will give it the fame it deserves. In order to secure the brightest suggestions from flower lovers everywhere, we have decided to give One Hundred Dollars ($100) in cash for the best name received before December 15, 1897. Conditions of the Rose Contest. ...THE DINGEE & CONARD COMPANY, Publishers, West Grove, Pa.