'John Hart' rose References
Book (1964) Page(s) 54. Obituary. Mr. John N. Hart.
Book (1939) Page(s) 152. Photo of The New President, Mr. John N. Hart.
Book (1936) Page(s) 331. Hart, John (HT) Hicks 1922; glossy cherry-pink, medium to large, double, cup form, high-centered, lasting, solitary, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, wrinkled foliage, growth 6/10, upright, short. Sangerhausen
Book (1934) John Hart (H.T.): Brilliant cherry-pink, scented.
Book (1934) Page(s) 298. John Hart HT. 1922. Cherry pink; vigorous; dwarf; prune moderately; large blooms.
Book (1930) Page(s) 117. John Hart HT (Hicks, 1922). Type, 'Killarney'. Bud large, long-pointed; flower very large, full, open, high-centered, double, lasting, slightly fragrant, cherry-pink, borne singly on long, strong stem. Foliage sufficient, large, dark green, wrinkled, disease-resistant. Few thorns. Growth vigorous, dwarf; profuse, continuous bloomer.
Book (1926) Page(s) 116. Proof of the Pudding. John Hart HT. (E. J. Hicks, 1922). A.R.A., 1922. Long pointed buds and large to medium-sized, double flowers of deep bright cherry-pink, cupped form, very good lasting quality, and strong fragrance; borne singly on long stems. Abundant foliage; vigorous upright growth; and profuse bloomer. Marblehead, Mass.
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 27. John Hart Colour deep bright cherry pink, flowers large, carried erect; fine free blooming garden variety. G. Vig.
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 27.. 'J. N. Hart' (HT) (Chaplin Bros.) A very fine rose of deep rose-pink colour..... This must not be confused with John Hart sent out by Hicks in 1922
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 20. John Hart (HT). (Hicks). 3. Bud large, long pointed; flower very large, full, open, high centred, double, lasting; cherry-pink; borne singly on long, strong stems; slight fragrance. Foliage sufficient, large dark green wrinkled, disease-resistant. Vigorous, dwarf; profuse and continuous bloomer.