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A genuine bicolor. Near finishing, the colour is warm pink at the centre, very pale pink towards the outside, with peach reverses. Sixty-five petals.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 26 NOV 15 |
I don't know whether this is correctly identified, but it makes lovely blooms. Ruston's, South Australia, zone 9b. Spring.
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 21 OCT 13 |
A genuine bicolor. Near finishing, the colour is warm pink at the centre, very pale pink towards the outside, with peach reverses.
Uploaded 26 NOV 15 |
Mid-late climate-changed summer, zone 9b. At Ruston's. I am not sure this matches the description.
Uploaded 8 FEB 12 |
A genuine bicolor. Near finishing, the colour is warm pink at the centre, very pale pink towards the outside, with peach reverses. St Kilda 27 November 2015.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 26 NOV 15 |
Ruston's, Renmark, South Australia,. zone 9b. Early spring. This seems paler than the description.
Uploaded 28 SEP 11 |
St Kilda 24 November 2015. As Margaret says, the colours don't seem to match the Catalan descriptions. But the leaves and form of the bush, not to mention the most unusual and good scent (thyme?), make it very likely to be some sort of Dot HT.
Uploaded 23 NOV 15 |
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