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Discussion id : 12-224
most recent 21 JUN 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 MAY 06 by Diane Lott
I have a Cecil Bruenner rose and at this time of the year it should be aglow with pink buds. Mine is not. It is a large bush that grows on the south side of my lather house. It gets water and food (Bayer).
It is about 4-6 years old and has at times been cut back but this past winter I did not cut oit back.
Any ideas?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 15 MAY 06 by Kim Rupert
Diane, you don't say where you live, but blooming is regulated by heat and intensity of sunlight. Here in Southern California, we've had our typical "May Gray" which leads into "June Gloom", so it's been cool and damp, preventing many genus of plants from performing as expected. If you've had similar weather, you'll probably have to wait until your climate approximates what you would normally have by this time of the year to see Mlle. Cecile Brunner behave as you've usually seen.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 21 JUN 06 by Jody
Hi Diane, has your Cecile B bloomed yet? I have a 14 yr old climbing Cecile B which has bloomed evey year so I don't know why yours is not blooming. Mine is planted with a Hansa.  I have never pruned it, only deadheaded. I don't know what Bayer is but if it has still not bloomed you could try that new product Messenger. It is an enzyme. I have had two plants that refused to bloom spring to life with it and others nothing happens. but you might try it.Good luck  Jody
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