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Discussion id : 134-213
most recent 22 AUG 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 AUG 22 by Cheryl Kirby
Hi everyone. I am desperately trying to find a Tassin (hybrid tea) rose bush for my 89 year old father.. This rose has a significant sentimental value to him and we are urgently trying to find out where I can get one. There is a nursery in WA that has them but I am unable to get them from there due to the distance and shipping. Please , please let me know if you know where I could source one from. Thanking you all.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 22 AUG 22 by Give me caffeine
Try Ross Roses in SA. They have access to all remaining plants at the old Thomas 4 Roses nursery, and will custom graft any of them - if the plant still exists and is large enough to take material from.

'Tassin' is still listed at T4R, but they did lose quote a few plants in the droughts and fires a few years back (just before they retired from business). I don't know if 'Tassin' survived.

Of course, the catch with getting one custom-grafted is that he would have to wait until he was 91 to get his hands on the bush. If he's planning on living to 100, no problem. :)
Discussion id : 112-503
most recent 31 JUL 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 JUL 18 by BartBalk
I am trying to locate a 'Golden State' rose to purchase or a cutting to start. Our park, the California Nursery Historical Park, is the last 20 acres of the California Nursery Company in Niles California (now a district of Fremont). The CNCo helped introduce the 'Golden State' as the official rose of the 1930-40 Golden Gate International Exposition on Treasure Island in San Francisco. We are coming up on the 80th year since the world's fair. I have not been able to obtain this rose. I have checked the Santa Rosa garden listed in HMF. And I assume that Cliff's is no longer. Does anyone have this rose? I am checking with the Portland Rose Garden, but haven't heard from them yet.
I just posted some pictures in the "photos" for 'Golden State'. (I'm not sure this was an appropriate kind of photo to post.)

Discussion id : 101-229
most recent 23 JUN 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JUN 17 by Tiggy2cakes
I'm desperately trying to replace a Sam McGredy rose 'Ginger Rogers' aka known as 'Salmon Charm' or 'Flower Show'. I note from information shown on this site that it is still commercially available but it doesn't say from where. Does anyone know where I might be able to source one from? I'm located in the UK and the 'Ginger Rogers' that I'm hoping to replace and which succumbed to old age, or my poor care, was originally bought in the early 1970s by my late father and it was his pride and joy. Is there anyone out who can help me ? I do hope so.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 JUN 17 by Patricia Routley
If you go into BUY FROM (top right) in the 'Ginger Rogers' page, you will see that it is commercially available in both Canada and Australia. Highlight your question to copy it, and place it in the 'Ginger Rogers' page comments. That way, perhaps in the future someone who knows it or grows it in Europe may contact you. Your question is a bit lost where it is now.
Discussion id : 99-522
most recent 18 MAY 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 MAY 17 by JTW5A
Question for any HMFers you may have purchased the Welcome Home yellow hybrid tea rose from Jackson & Perkins. While my rose hasn't yet fully bloomed, the buds appear red to pink. Has anyone else out there with Welcome Home experienced something similarly odd (i.e., a supposedly yellow rose having red to pink buds)? I'm suspect that J&P may have shipped me the wrong rose !

Thanks for any insight anyone can provide.

Reply #1 of 2 posted 18 MAY 17 by Andrew from Dolton
It is not so unusual for yellow or white roses to show a dark colour when in bud, 'Peace' for example does this.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 18 MAY 17 by JTW5A
Thanks very much Andrew.

I'll remain patient and see if the bloom opens to a color shade more expected.


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