HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 24 MAY 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 MAY 15 by Patricia Routley
Dear Mairineilis,
Your photos are displayed in the incorrect location. They should be added to each individual rose's page. At the moment, if someone was seeking an excellent photo of 'Mevrouw Nathalie Nypels', they would never find this one as it is almost hidden in your garden photos. Would you please move your photos of 'Crepuscule', 'Duchesse de Brabant', 'Jean Bach Sisley', Mevrouw Nathalie Nypels', "Maggie" and 'Cramoisi Superior'. That way, they will appear both in the roses pages and your garden photos as well.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 MAY 15 by Mairineilis
Hello Patricia! Thank you for helping me out. All fixed now! Best wishes, Maureen
most recent 13 APR 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 APR 14 by Mairineilis

I have a rose which I've inherited from my grandmother, but neither of us knows the name of this rose. The original plant came from her neighbor in Harford Co., Maryland, USA, around 1950. The neighbor prized the rose because it matched her stable's colors in the Preakness. We transplanted the rose to my mother's house in Montgomery Co., Maryland. And now we've transplanted it again to my home in New Orleans. It seems to have acclimated well. Only blooms once a season, in the late spring. And it has a wonderful fragrance. The photos attached here are the rose as of today (4/8/14). Any clues would be much appreciated!

Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 APR 14 by MommaKate
Hi Maureen!

I'd sure be interested to know as well, I believe I have one of these roses too. Also got it from my husband's grandmother's house. I know it is an old rose, she lived in that house for many, many years. I would like to ask, what is the diameter of the rose? Mine will fit in the palm of my hand when it is fully open.
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