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Initial post today by RoseLover26
Available from - High Country Roses
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Initial post today by RoseLover26
Available from - High Country Roses
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Initial post today by RoseLover26
Available from - High Country Roses
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Initial post today by HeelinRoses
Please look at the References section for the 'Mischief' MACmi rose.
On the second page at 6 references down is a quotation from the book 'In Praise of Roses' by Harry Wheatcroft, published in 1970. Here it says that 'Mischief' won the 'Clay Cup for Fragrance' in 1961. However, there is no mention of it winning this award in the RNRS Rose Annuals. I believe another rose got the Clay Cup that year. I'll check.
Certainly 'Mischief' was awarded 5/10 for fragrance which I suppose is quite good. It is usually described in shops online as 'Mild' or 'Slight'. It might be one of those unusual types that will have exhaled a lot more scent after its stem has been in a vase of water for a while thus filling a room. For that it would need to have delicate petals but very highly developed scent glands. As I don't own the rose I cannot vouch for this. Maybe someone knows?
That this rose was not included in the 'Sam McGredy's Favourite Roses' book is quite telling. Sam loved fragrance and he was the actual breeder of this rose. So did it really get the 'Clay Cup.' ?
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