Kerin Tyrrell
Hi, Was trying to find local nurseries that sell roses using the Nurseries/US/Calif/map method and the map didn't come up. Haven't used it for awhile but thought it worked before???
I was doing some browsing tonight and found that UC-Davis has a collection of nursery catalogs. This might be a source of photos for some of the HMF roses. For instance Multnomah, by Peterson and Dering has no photo. The collection has catalog from later 1950s, when that rose might have still been in commerce from that source. I'm not sure of copyright issues, but with the company out of business since 1965, it is probably not much of a problem.
Larry, do you have a www. link for the UC Davis holdings? Thanks, Kerin
That's how I found it- Google. It is in the UC-Davis Special Collections with a title of "Inventory of the Nursery and Seed Catalog Collection". I didn't write more because I believe you have to go there in person to see the catalogs. Most special collections will photocopy but you need an act of the legislature- or the archivist, to take it to a place where you can do a color copy. But with a decent digital camera and their permission, you could photograph all the roses that are actually illustrated. Recall that in those days, two late 50s, one early 60s, color was expensive so only a fraction of CV got full color. And that may have not been the greatest. I have catalogs from several nurseries personally, but never had one from P & D. It was really pretty much before my time that they went under.
Another source is the Alfred Powers papers at the Oregon Historical Society, for a '62 catalog. It is in box 6, folder 7. is their contact. They are in Portland.
I didn't chase this hard, but there may be older catalogs in another library collection somewhere.
Yes that sounds useful. Please provide some details.
Do you have a listing of roses for which you lack photos? then those of us who have some catalogs could systematically go through and see what we can find. I have a dozen or so from '60-'90. Others may have a different assortment.
See the "Preferences" option for the Advanced Search. Thanks !!
Available from - Vintage Gardens
Your website is invaluable!!! I probably use it every day.
One thing that would help me out now that I've finally added my own plant listings is if I could use advanced search to search within my own listings. I could do that easily if I could make my own garden one of my 'favorites' but I can't seem to do it. Is there any other way, or could this setting be changed???
Thanks for all you do, Kerin
We'll see what we can do?
Terrific! When I had the thought about asking, I was hoping it wouldn't be a hard thing to do if it might 'only' be a matter of changing a setting, permission, or something on that order. If it's a big deal, then never mind, I totally understand what volunteer time is all about.
The reason I wanted to sort is for planting purposes to group things of similar size or rebloom, etc. WITH pictures so I could add that to the plan. I did make my own Excel 'database' which is nice to add my own comments to, but not having pics makes it not as good a planning tool as I need right now, not having all the blooms memorized, yet.
Thanks again for your wonderful work!
Thanks for the kudos. It never hurts to ask; we are always interested in improving HMF.
p.s. I was thinking about asking for the same thing. I often forget the name of a particular rose in my collection, and could use such a feature to remind myself -- oh yeah -- that red single climber is "Soldier Boy." It would also work for this purpose if you could just make your own garden into a "favorite." Then to search your own garden, you would just eliminate any other favorite and do the search. But I noticed that it not possible now. Thanks.
The goal is to be able to search through your own list of plants using the Advanced Search feature. For example, I have a rose "Soldier Boy" that for some insane reason, I can never seem to remember the name of, (and looking around in the lower canes for the plant tag is a major pain). If the Advanced Search feature would either (1) allow me to select my own garden as a "favorite," or (2) have a search only my own plant list feature, then I could put in either "limit search to my plants" or "limit search to my favorites (and at the same time put only my own garden in my favorites)" and look for red single climbers, at which point Soldier Boy would be the only result, as it is my only red single climber. Clear as mud?
(Both of you) Go to your member page's PLANTS tab to find a new enhancement for premium members. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Let us know how it works for you.
OOOH! Thank you. VERY NICE!
#11 of 24 posted
18 OCT 10 by
HMF Admin
We thought you would like the change.
Thank YOU for supporting HMF financially and with your regular participation.
Sweet!!! You are the bomb, that's for sure.
"Regular participation"? Bwa-ha-ha-ha, you need to charge me more ;-) Actually, my anniversary is around the corner, I promise to put in a 'tip' for the kitty.
#13 of 24 posted
18 OCT 10 by
HMF Admin
Thank you for your promise to continue to support HMF.
Our yearly premium membership is purposely set quite low. Our hope has always been for many, many people to contribute modestly to HelpMeFind instead of making it an onerous cost for the few. Unfortunately whenever we raise the issue of funding the same generous few respond repeatedly while the majority of our website guests continue to take its future for granted.
Please encourage your gardening friends to donate or become premium members and please patronize our sponsors. If you do business with companies listed on HMF that are not sponsors, please urge them to do so.
We also welcome volunteers to help with various projects.
That is a very good point. It is to late (for me) tonight to pass this on (ie the new feature as well as your prompt fix to my question), but I will do so soon on my favorite rosey forum at GardenWeb.
I do remember a previous thread on GW rose forums that had (as I recall) some commentary about how HMF should be free. As someone who volunteers in other capacities, I found this to be ludicrous, at least in the states. I know the government sponsors things differently in different countries so expectations may vary; however, personally, I understand that you, the administrators, absorb the costs of bandwidth AND your own personal time, and are not a government entity. Oh well, you know the rule of volunteerism? It's where 10% of the people do 100% of the work? I am happy to help in my small way to to support all the years of hard work that you have put into this project before I was a rose addict.
Thank you all, Kerin
#15 of 24 posted
18 OCT 10 by
HMF Admin
One more point we would like to make. Many of you have probably read in the news about the many websites secretly selling information about their members to third parties. As most websites are commercially motivated, it is astonishing most people are surprised by this.
HelpMeFind never shares any of your member information with anyone. All the details you provide are used to make the website more convenient for you.
#16 of 24 posted
18 OCT 10 by
#17 of 24 posted
19 OCT 10 by
HMF Admin
Jay-Jay, thank YOU for your financial support and your many contributions to the site.
Has the ability to search your own garden listing gone away?
This was a wonderful add-on that you installed after my suggestion last October. You can find the discussion in the comments on Oct 17, 2010
Thanks, Kerin
#19 of 24 posted
30 SEP 11 by
No, but but my garden-page looks like this: (see screenshot)
As I recall, when you clicked on your Plants Grown tab, there was a new button so you could advanced search within your own listing.
I can't use the regular advanced search to do this unless I select every rose I have as a favorite.
#21 of 24 posted
30 SEP 11 by
No advanced search tab!
The Advanced Search option for premium member's listings is now back in place. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We've not been able to replicate that problem. Please go to the Contact Us page (see Site Features) and use the "Click here to post a message now" to send us any message. It will include information about your browser that may be helpful in finding the problem.
#24 of 24 posted
1 OCT 11 by
I sent You that message, and I discovered the Advanced Search Button. A very nice feature/tool!
Admin, you hit the nail on the head. I was using Firefox 6.x, when I went to Safari the advanced button shows up fine. Wish I had thought of it myself! Thanks for getting back, Keirn
The missing ADVANCED SEARCH button was a programming error on our part. You should have access to it in Firefox too.
Works GREAT! Thank you so much!!!
I'm currently using this feature to organize the roses that I got from Cliff out of the pot ghetto and into the garden. However, moving forward, what with more closures, I think this will be an indispensable tool for us to inspect our lists for rarer varieties and propagate them if possible.
Thanks again, Kerin