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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 2 AUG 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 APR 18 by npierce
This is one of my favorite roses; I now have four bushes. It is stunning in form in all stages, a creamy white with pale yellow or pale pink centers depending on the weather. It is a good bloomer and its fragrance is unmatched!
I was curious about its name....and because it is a Harkness rose, I contacted them to ask if they knew the background on the name and they responded quite quickly. They told me the rose was named in 2005 to celebrate the bicentenary of the Royal Society of Medicine. The use of Chandos House in London was passed to this organization by Lord Chandos in 1963 and they chose to honour his contribution to their work in this way. You can google Chandos House and learn about its history.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 16 FEB 19 by Jackie13
I had this rose, purchased from Hortico, and I moved it to a large pot, pruned it and lost it to a Spring freeze. I killed it! This was one of my favorites, so beautiful, possibly the best fragrance MY nose has ever smelled! Currently on a waiting list at Angel Gardens, there are quite few people ahead of me. Why don’t more nurseries carry this tremendous rose? I am in zone 6b NY, humid summers, and CB gets a little BS towards the end of summer. Hopefully Hortico will have it again in the near future. If you are lucky enough to have an opportunity to acquire this beauty, please do so, you won’t regret it.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 2 AUG 22 by johnm99
Completely agree - this is one of the best roses ever in my gardens. I was able to get some cuttings to take when I moved 2 years ago, and also took one plant. They have continued to be outstanding - about as close to the ideal rose as I have seen. Why it isn't used more widely, I really don't know. It is now unvailable anywhere in Canada :(
most recent 7 APR 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 APR 20 by Flore

Do you still grow the Imperatrice Farah rose?

Thank you!
most recent 28 APR 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 19 OCT 10 by Penelope
I have room for one more pink rose bush and I'm having trouble deciding between Frederic Mistral and Memorial Day. I live in Texas. If anyone can offer any advice I'd appreciate it. :-)
Reply #1 of 6 posted 5 FEB 11 by A-L in New Orleans
I'd love to know the answer to this. I'm in New Orleans, and don't spray. Might this one work for me?
Reply #2 of 6 posted 21 JAN 16 by npierce
I grow both in Dallas. Both are a beautiful pink, have loads of fragrance, grow to be big bushes. Frederic Mistral's blooms have better form for me and it is one of the last to start blooming in the spring here. If I had to pick one over the other, I would grow Frederic Mistral; if for no other reason than it is more difficult to locate and I like to keep more difficult-to-find varieties in my garden.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 15 SEP 16 by Lavenderlace
Which one did you decide on? I planted a lot of Memorial Days this year but wanted to go with Frederic also when available. Scent is a top trait for me so curious about which one does best in the heat!
Reply #4 of 6 posted 28 APR 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Frederic Mistral did well in the heat for me. It was Prickles (Bailey) in CA who reported in forum that he had 2 Memorial Day, one in full-sun, one in partial shade. The one in partial shade had better color & more petals & better scent. Lavenderlace: I would love to learn from your assessment with many Memorial Day planted in different locations as to winter-survival & vigor. Thanks. Memorial Day is iffy for my zone 5a winter, and I would like to learn what help with its vigor & winter-survival.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 28 APR 17 by Lavenderlace
I found MD to be a little hit or miss for me in my climate. I have them all over the place and all planted within a month or so of each other.

Before planting, they did not take the summer heat with delayed UPS trucks and many arrived DOA while plants of a different variety were fine.

After winter, none of them died completely, but I have some that are now only inches tall (after dying down to the ground) in the same line where some are three feet tall and stayed green the entire winter. But the ones that came out the worse are the ones that went into winter looking the worse, though everything else was the same.

The ones in clay really struggled to get started last year but this year I don't see a difference between the clay and the sandy soil ones. But the main thing that I learned was that MD (in my particular circumstances) does not like too much water and I had some planted by very thirsty Austins!

So if I would have known this starting out, perhaps the clay ones would have done better to begin with? If there's a heavy rain, MD looks unhappy and will get a bit of BS.

Mine are all planted in full sun or else getting a lot of sun, none that I would consider shaded. I have one in a pot that has just been sitting there for six months, not a lot of growth, so being brought in for the cold and having the water controlled seems to still result in a slow starting plant.

That being said, I have at least a dozen that have huge blooms and stayed green all winter. If these were the only ones that I owned, I would say that they are fabulous! But then I have a lot that are incredibly behind so maybe they are just slow starters?

For winter protection, they had a manure and shavings mix banked around them.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 28 APR 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Thank you !! it's good to know that Memorial Day require less water than Austin roses. Definitely will grab that one if I see in local store.
most recent 8 MAY 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAY 16 by Michael Garhart
What is your opinion of this rose?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 8 MAY 16 by npierce
It is "ok". I have it growing on Fortuniana and it gets kind of tall. The stems are thin and so it appears a bit lankly. I think there are better orange/reds out there. I keep it because it is fragrant.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 8 MAY 16 by Michael Garhart
Thanks! It never occurred to me to look for the fragrance rating on these older American bred orange-red HT/GRs.
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