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God's garden
most recent 7 FEB 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 21 JAN 09 by God's garden
What a stunning picture, I love the way the light is hitting the rose and every detail stands out. Thanks for sharing. Happy gardening, Lori
Reply #1 of 2 posted 24 JAN 09 by Gonçalo
Hi Lori thank you for your compliment on my picture!

I am still very new about rose photos I have a long way to go. I have seen some of your rose shots, and they look great! ...

Ya! David Austin roses are great I don't care what some people say about them not being so disease resistant(some older ones), or cold hardy, they are unique, and some of them have very special fragrances. You know I am professional gardener and I used to hate roses in gardens, I used to find them old-fashion, and difficult to take care. At a certain point I moved to England to work in a garden center, those guys don't fool around with their roses, I was introduce to a completely different world, fragrant wonders we use to sell every day, a lot of variety's, old and new. When I smell "Jude the obscure" I was, and still am hooked on rose fragrance. I don't mind the color if it´s fragrant and disease resistant, hopefully will be in my list.

I am back to Portugal for good and brought the rosebush´s with me.
I believe we are in the same climate zone 10- right?
Do you mind me asking you?
I just bought "Rouge Royale" and "Abraham Darby", do they get a lot of disease in your area?

Thank you once again.
Sorry for the long email.

Take care

Gonçalo B.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 7 FEB 09 by God's garden
Hi, sorry it took so long to get back to you, I didn't know I had a message. You must have learned so much working in England, I would love to visit some of the gardens there. Both my Abraham Darby and Rouge Royale do very well here, they are pretty disease resistant and they smell sooo good! The Rouge Royale is a better bloomer than the Abraham Darby but I don't think I could pick one over the other as a favorite, they are both amazing. Good luck with yours and send some pictures when they start to bloom. God bless, Lori
most recent 3 JAN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 JAN 09 by God's garden
Can anyone help me identify this rose? I purchased it at K-mart at least 9 years ago, it has approximately 20 petals and a mild scent. Its coloring is salmon and the bush is about 4 feet high by 3 feet wide.
most recent 31 DEC 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 DEC 08 by God's garden
What a beautiful rose and picture, this is what a rose SHOULD look like, good job and thanks for sharing with us!
most recent 31 DEC 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 DEC 08 by God's garden
What a beautiful picture, the color is so brilliant.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 31 DEC 08 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Thank you, it's a lovely rose, especially when the temperatures are cool as they are now. I should mention this rose will become available in the near future from Roses Unlimited.
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