Photo courtesy of Arno
Bavaria, Germany - ( Zone: 5-6 )
I am from Germany and had studied Biology in Berlin (research on the nervous system of the honey bee, odour perception and learning and memory in insects).
Since 2001 I am more and more interested in roses and since 2002 I am breeding roses, myself.
Since 2004 I try to raise Rosa persica (Hulthemia persica) and also use more and more healthy varieties in my personal breeding program, also wild rose species, like Rosa davidii elongata, Rosa acicularis nipponensis, Rosa rugosa, Rosa woodsii fendleri, and others.
My first mildew resistant seedlings out of this breeding program germinated in Spring 2007. They flowered in spring 2010!
Since 2008 I want to combine the two above mentioned aspects: by breeding fertile and healthy Rosa persica F1 hybrids.
And (so I don't get bored while waiting for success ;-) ) F2 to Fx Hybrids of Rosa persica.
If I succeed with the F1 Persica lines, I try to breed in recurrent blooming in a next step. ... Perhaps with my own Fx seedlings, let's see.
Additionally I took R. roxburghii and especially R. stellata var. mirifica for a lot of crossings in 2010, the first one beacause of its health, the latter one because of its floral colour aspects for getting new mauve and lilac tones in rose flowers.
Here is my Rose Hybridizing blog in the internet:
Greetings from Germany!
Experienced (24 years)
Accredited or certified authority, Breeder, Photographer, Society member, Rustler, Volunteer or Staff (non-commercial)
Last visit: More than a year ago