The plant is still alive and it has stopped development since about 10 days. The heat here seemed to change the plants program (perhaps more roots?) ...
Yesterday evening we had a heavy rain shower with some stormy winds.
A few pollinated hips broke, but most of them where weak and would have fallen anyway.
The mirifica x Veilchenblau seedling is doing well, he survived under a mini-glasshouse which I installed when I saw the rain-radar in the wheather forecast.
At some places in Germany we have had even Tornados last night ... .
Two days ago, on 11th of July, I did my last pollination on my mirifica mother plant. It will be a wild rose tribute to Louis Lens if it fits. :-)
I will from time to time do entries in this journal.
At the moment we have 35° C here in Germany and the rose is hidden under an umbrella for a bit shadow might be a good idea for such a young seedling. I don't want to test its heat tolerance in the early seedling stage. ... ;-)