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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Calif Sue
most recent 7 APR 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 APR 20 by Flore
Do you still have this rose?


Reply #1 of 2 posted 7 APR 20 by Calif Sue
This was taken in a friends garden years ago.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 7 APR 20 by Flore

Thank you for answering!
MemberCalif Sue
most recent 21 JUN 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUN 18 by Lazy Rosarian
I am still trying to get cuttings of Grandmere Jenny. Would members of the Coastal Rose Society be willing to sell cuttings to me instead of only selling their cuttings at their auction? I need five cuttings of Grandmere Jenny and will pay $17.00 for each cutting and also pay for shipping. Thank you. Margaret Lamb
Reply #1 of 5 posted 20 JUN 18 by Patricia Routley
Margaret, we advised you a good while back that this type of comment is better suited as a Private Message, rather than a public Comment.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 21 JUN 18 by Kathy Strong
No we do not sell cuttings. Also, I tried to root a Grandmere Jenny a few months ago, unsuccessfully. It seems to be a hard one to get to take from a cutting, and I have a whole system of misting and lights and when needed, underheat. So I would not recommend what you are trying to do here as it appears you are likely to spend the money and not get your rose.

Also, for those of you that follow California Coastal Rose Society's annual auction of rare roses, our list of roses we will be selling at this year's auction (October 28, 2018) has just been posted at
Reply #3 of 5 posted 21 JUN 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Could you not just graft it?
Reply #4 of 5 posted 21 JUN 18 by Kathy Strong
I could. But I only had the couple of cuttings that I tried to root from a person who grows it in the desert, and he had asked me to try to start a new plant for him, as his efforts had also been unsuccessful, and that was a sentimental favorite of his. His plant was on last legs when I took what I thought it could spare. And I am usually better at rooting than grafting, which is a whole different skill set.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 21 JUN 18 by Andrew from Dolton
I see. It was just a thought because it seemed a difficult rose to root and budding might have been easier.
most recent 5 JUN 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 JUN 18 by Calif Sue
Glitch in the Pm messaging. Someone tried to contact me and was notified that I don't accept PM messages which is not true, I tried to contact her and got the same notification.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 5 JUN 18 by Kathy Strong
Apparently it is fixed. Looks to me like the one I just sent with my email addy went through.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 5 JUN 18 by Calif Sue
Yep, all good now!
GardenCalif Sue
most recent 5 JUN 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 JUN 18 by Kathy Strong
Please contact me. Cannot send a PM and I have a question. many thanx. Kathy Strong

[HMF ed - We're sorry but do not allow email addresses in our public posts as it attracts email spammers to the website. Why are you unable to send a PM ? ]
Reply #1 of 3 posted 4 JUN 18 by Calif Sue
What is your question?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 4 JUN 18 by Kathy Strong
.Calif Sue, I wanted to find out if your Sequoia Twist is still behaving as an unstable sport, i.e., putting out the occasional pink stripey bloom, and if so to try to arrange for cuttings. My Sequoia Twist reverted to Sequoia Gold, as have all the other plants that I know of. And many of the people who report to HMF that they grow this variety seem to have become inactive members over the years, but I knew you were around. I grow numerous roses from cuttings for the California Coastal Rare Rose Auction, and I wanted to get this one back in circulation through the auction, and by distributing more plants around in other ways -- it looks to me as if this variety is disappearing, slowly.

[HMF ed. -- I couldn't send a PM because recipient has chosen not to accept PM's, or so the website reports when I tried.]
Reply #3 of 3 posted 5 JUN 18 by Calif Sue
I just tried sending you a private message and got the same notification, that you opted to not accept them. I have always gotten PM's, my last one was just last month. Some glitch on HMF maybe.
I need to get your email and address so we can arrange something.
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