HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 18 APR 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 APR 16 by carriebaumes
Grows here in upstate NY with little dieback. Normally zone 5a, but the previous 2 winters had polar vortex, and lost roses zoned 4. This one handled them with no problem.
most recent 13 APR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 APR 08 by carriebaumes
The plant that Wayside/Parks sells as Paul's Himalayan Musk isn't correct. It's a large, vigorous climber with single (5 petals) small white flowers. Looks kind of like Darlow's Enigma on steroids. Just wanted to give Wayside/Parks consumers the heads-up that they will be receiving the wrong rose.
most recent 14 FEB 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 FEB 07 by carriebaumes
I was wondering why you no longer list Pickering Nursery among your list of retailers?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 14 FEB 07 by HMF Admin
Pickering is here - use the Nursery name search.
most recent 11 FEB 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 FEB 07 by carriebaumes
Hi Cliff, I was wondering what you think of the hp "her majesty"? Is she worth growing? Thanks. Carrie
Reply #1 of 3 posted 9 FEB 07 by Cliff
I like 'Her Majesty,' Carrie. Do you grow many HPs? The reason I ask is that I grow a fairly good number of HPs and if I had to limit myself to just a few, I don't know that it would rise to the top of my list. In my climate, the blooms are produced on rather short and very stiff stems and the blooms themselves tend to be fairly rigid in form. It's a very thorny plant. I assume you've seen my photos on the 'Her Majesty' page here on HMF. Where is your garden? According to the HMF information on this variety, it prefers warmer climates and is susceptible to powdery mildew, so these are factors you might need to consider. It's difficult to answer your question without knowing more about your situation, Carrie, but for me 'Her Majesty' is definitely worth growing.

Reply #2 of 3 posted 10 FEB 07 by carriebaumes
Hi Cliff, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I'm in zone 5, NY. Not what anybody would classify as a warmer climate. I missed that bit on the HMF page, and didn't see any zones on here or the Vintage site. The part that did concern me was on the Vintage site where they stated they had heard it wasn't a strong grower. You know, I'm thinking I might just try her, see how she does here.
BTW, out of curiosity, if you had to limit yourself to, lets say, 10 HP's, which ones would make it to the top of your list? Thanks again. Carrie
Reply #3 of 3 posted 11 FEB 07 by Cliff

Our climates are quite different, and I'd strongly suggest that you try to obtain input from your local rose society or that you contact one of the American Rose Society Consulting Rosarians in your area. A list can be found on the ARS website. I always find it difficult, if not impossible, to come up with lists of favorites, but some of those that have done particularly well for me are the "found" HP, Grandmother's Hat, as well as John Hopper, Vick's Caprice, Général Cavaignac and Baron de Bonstetten. However, I've only had the majority of my HPs for a few years and this past year was lost due to my move, so I wouldn't read a lot into these choices and I should be able to give a more informed response after another season or two.
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