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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 5 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 days ago by a_carl76
Another variety I grow that is classed with the miniatures, but behaves more like a polyantha for me. Because of that, I moved it out of my miniature garden and into the polyantha garden because it matches their growth habit and flowering style better.

It produces clusters of blooms but not as large as the the polyanthas such as The Fairy - more like the number of its polyantha parent La Marne. Sweet Nothings produces a lot of open pollinated hips with many seeds in it that readily germinate.

Very good cold hardiness (can go through a zone 5b winter without protection) and excellent disease resistance in the Midwest. too bad more places don't offer this one anymore.
most recent 5 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 days ago by a_carl76
While classed with the miniatures, Gourmet Popcorn behaves more like a polyantha for me. Definitely a product of its sport parent's pedigree.

I moved it out of my miniature garden and into the polyantha garden and it matches their growth habit and flowering perfectly. It does not stand out as much and is given a lot more space to thrive.

If I were to give one difference between Gourmet Popcorn and the rest of the polyanthas (as a whole) is that the flowers are slightly smaller than what we usually see with polyanthas. It produces large clusters of blooms just like many of the (the earlier) polyanthas and produces a lot of open pollinated hips as well.

Add in decent cold hardiness and very good disease resistance and this makes a winner here in the Midwest.
most recent 29 OCT HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 OCT by a_carl76
Rose Listing Omission


From grace Rose Farms website:
About Brut

Rose Type: Garden Rose
Breeder: Schreurs
Color: Nude to Peach to Blush
Vase Life: 8-12 days
Fragrance: No
Bloom Form: Standard
Petal Count: 30-50
Growth Type: Rounded Shrub
Flowering: Repeat
Planting Season: Spring
Light Requirements: Full sun
Hardiness Zones: 5-11
Spacing: 3-4'
Height: 3-4
Width: 3-4'
Disease Resistance: Excellent, provide routine pest & disease prevention

Information from Schreurs Roses:
Trade Name Brut!
Denomination SCH06868
Breeder Schreurs
Flower Size 9-11 cm
No. of Flower Petals 55-60
Stem Length 60-90 cm
Vaselife 12-14
most recent 29 OCT HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 OCT by a_carl76
Available from The Nursery at Grace Rose Farm
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