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'Sunblaze Dragon Fruit' rose Description
'Sunblaze Dragon Fruit' rose photo
Photo courtesy of viscount89
Commercially available
Bred by Alain Meilland (1940-....) (France, before 2022).
Introduced in United States by Star Roses & Plants (California) in 2024 as 'Sunblaze Dragon Fruit'.
Deep pink.  None / no fragrance.  40 to 50 petals.  Average diameter 2".  Medium, very full (41+ petals), in small clusters, cupped-to-flat, scalloped bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  Small, long buds.  
Bushy, compact, rounded.  Semi-glossy, dark green, dense foliage.  3 to 7 leaflets.  

Height: up to 18" (up to 45cm).  Width: up to 18" (up to 45cm).
United States - Patent No: PP 36,023  on  23 Jul 2024   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 18/233,011  on  10 Aug 2023
Inventor: Alain Antoine Meilland, Antibes (FR)
The first offer for sale of the new variety was Oct. 7, 2022 in the United States of America.... The female parent ...was the 'MEIKANROU' variety...The male parent ...was an unnamed seedling which is the product of a cross between an unnamed seedling (not patented) and the 'RADTKO' variety....The rose plants of the new variety were approximately nine months of age and were observed during May ...