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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Roses Of Great Britain And Ireland
(1993)  Page(s) 136.  
R. micrantha is known immediately as one of the Sweet Briars by the sweet-scented, viscid brown or translucent glands on leaflets, petioles, stipules, pedicels and sepals. It is separated from R. rubiginosa by its taller climbing habit, more equal prickles, absence of acicles [the much smaller prickles that are interspersed among much larger, stout prickles on the canes of very prickly roses such as R. rugosa], and smaller flowers.
(1993)  Page(s) 88.  
Rosa stylosa Desv. x R. canina L.=R. x andegavensis Bastard
General habit of R. stylosa. Minute distinctions are enumerated. In parts of southern England and in Ireland where the two species occur together, they readily form hybrids and all intermediates may be found. If it is not obvious which species predominates the name R. x andegavensis should be recorded rather than the formula.
(1993)  Page(s) 74.  
R. x involuta Sm. Rosa pimpinellifolia L. x R. sherardii Davies
General habit of R. are pink. Includes map.
(1993)  Page(s) 88.  
Rosa stylosa Desv. x Rosa arvensis Huds. = R. x pseudorusticana Crépin ex Rogers
General habit of Rosa stylosa; minute differences enumerated. Leaflets coarsely serrate.
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