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Roses Of Great Britain And Ireland

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Book published 1993.

Authored by G. G. Graham, A. L. Primavesi
2 favorite votes.  
Roses of Great Britain and Ireland is a model of clarity for a regional handbook of species roses. The introductory material is clear and informative, tracing the history of earlier taxonomies and providing both glossary and illustrations. Graham and Primavesi limit the number of species to 20 and resist the temptation to list multiple forms and subspecies. Instead, they provide detailed descriptions of roughly 80 species crosses - hybrids between the 20 existing species.

The care taken to record these species crosses is remarkable. Not only are very detailed descriptions provided, distinguishing the hybrid from the parent, but each cross is mapped -- and reciprocal crosses are noted. In other words, if the hybrid is thought to be R. arvensis x R. rubiginosa, the authors note the location of hybrids which could be R. rubiginosa x R. arvensis.
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