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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Horticultural Review and Botanical Magazine
(1853)  Page(s) 464.  
Appoline is one of the prettiest, clear pink, a seedling from Pierre de St. Cyr, on which it is a most decided improvement. being more compact, better formed, one of the freest late bloomers, and of robust habit; and as a bouquet flower it has the approbation of the most distinguè merchand in London.
(1854)  Page(s) 317.  
Gallica, or French Roses...
Belle Auguste, or Lee, pale blush.
(1854)  Page(s) 318.  
Moss Roses ...Blush, fine, distinct and compact
(1851)  Page(s) 253.  
...a select list for the amateur...China and Tea....Bougere, very large and double, of a rich bronzed rose-color; tea-scented.
(1854)  Page(s) 318.  
Hybrid China
Chenedole, crimson, large, cupped.
(1851)  Page(s) 253.  
...a select list for the amateur...China and Tea....Devoniensis, very beautiful and large, cupped, a fine creamy white; tea-scented.
(1851)  Page(s) 253.  
...a select list for the amateur...China and Tea....Eliza Sauvage, double, large, tea-scented pale yellow; it sometimes rivals Chromatella in depth of the yellow tint.
(1852)  Page(s) 566.  
Perpetuals or Portlands...La Favorite...
(1854)  Page(s) 319.  
Bourbon...Phoenix, reddish purple, double.
(1851)  Page(s) 253.  
Bourbons. Leveson Gower, magnificent, large, stiff petalled and highly praised by all.
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