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The Yellow Rose
(1984)  Page(s) 21. Vol 1, No. 2.  
Hennesey on Tea Roses.
Harry Kirk (Tea 1907). Light sulphur-yellow of very nice form. I am sure it will do well in any climate.
(1984)  Page(s) 22. Vol 1, No. 2.  
Hennessey on Tea Roses. Recently I (?editor] obtained a run of his old rose catalogs from 1953 thru 1966.......

Louise Baldwin (Tea) (McGredy). This rose may be the one you amateur hybridists are looking for, as it is 100% obvious that it is a self-seedling of Lady Hillingdon and about the same orange that is so luscious, with a little better shape and color stability. Also it has the same marvelous healthy foliage.
(1984)  Page(s) 23. Vol 1, No. 2.  
Author unknown [?Joe M. Woodard, editor]  Hennessey on Tea Roses.
Minnie Francis  (Tea 1905)  Deep pink, small leaves that are healthy, though it grows well.
(1984)  Page(s) 19. Vol 1, No. 2.  
Editor [?] Roy Hennessey did have one of the most extensive collections of Tea Roses of any grower in the USA. Here are some of the different varieties of Teas that he carried and his comments about them:
Niles Cochet (Tea 1906). This redder form of 'Maman Cochet' is sure at the head of the Teas with so many excellent qualities and good shape too. Then it gets redder as the weather gets warmer, so in warm weather it is quite red and then all the good qualities from its parent, 'Maman Cochet', plus its deeper green leaves and perfect health, make it so lovely, too.
(Jul 1984)  Page(s) 10. Vol 1, No. 2.  
Editor [?] In researching the Roy Hennessey article, I found this description of Texas Centennial. “Patent number 162. This rose in sections of the country that have a large portion of their summer above 85 degrees Fahrenheit tops Charlotte Armstrong. Its color is variable, according to weather. If you have several cloudy days its buds will become blood red, and as the rose opens it gets lighter. Sometimes it is only pink in hot weather. Again late in the fall I have had it a salmony yellow, always it is perfect of form and very fragrant on a strong growing plant. A rose garden without this rose is missing something for this rose is here to stay for those who want roses to cut and enjoy.”
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