A Book of Gardening: Ideas, Methods, Designs: A Practical Guide
(1995) Page(s) 268. Aimée Vibert One of Gertrude Jekyll's favorite white roses...
(1995) Page(s) 134. [At Lanhydrock] 'Bright Smile' has replaced massed plantings of 'Allgold'...
(1995) Page(s) 132. 'Dorothy Perkins' has small double pink clustered blooms; 'American Pillar', more strident, has large single flowers in a vivid carmine pink, with a pronounced white eye. Both have large glossy leaves, which need spraying to prevent mildew...
(1995) Page(s) 126. [At Overbecks] A rock face forms a backdrop to the bed and on it the tender early roses, pink-flowered Rosa 'Anemone' and R. 'Cooperi', the Burma rose, both types of the Cherokee rose, R. laevigata, make a jungle of flower and foliage. The late-flowering Clematis 'Abundance' twines among the rose branches, its pinkish red nodding flowers sporting creamy stamens...
(1995) Page(s) 135. Chaucer [at Powis Castle this rose] is underplanted with clumps of Diascia fetcaniensis D. 'Salmon Supreme and Allium karataviense...
(1995) Page(s) 134. [At Lanhydrock] 'Bright Smile' has replaced massed plantings of 'Allgold'...
(1995) Page(s) 128. [In the Shakespeare Garden at Charlecote Park...] Other shrubs which were known to Shakespeare, and mentioned in Gerard's Herball of 1597, include the cabbage rose or rose of Provence (Rosa x centifolia) and the damask rose (R. x damascena)...
(1995) Page(s) 126. [At Overbecks] A rock face forms a backdrop to the bed and on it the tender early roses, pink-flowered Rosa 'Anemone' and R. 'Cooperi', the Burma rose, both types of the Cherokee rose, R. laevigata, make a jungle of flower and foliage. The late-flowering Clematis 'Abundance' twines among the rose branches, its pinkish red nodding flowers sporting creamy stamens...
(1995) Page(s) 214. Cooper's Burma rose a cultivar of the 'Cherokee rose' (Rosa laevigata) with white single flowers...
(1995) Page(s) 104. Standards of the creamy-white rose 'Pascali' give height above 30 bushes of 'Dame Edith Helen', a 1920s Hybrid Tea double pink rose, underplanted with pink-flowering Potentilla 'Miss Willmott'.