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'Ambroise Verschaffelt' peony Description

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HMF Ratings:
7 favorite votes.  
Bred by Joseph-Julien-Ghislain Parmentier (Belgium, 1850).
Introduced in Belgium by Louis van Houtte in circa 1853 as 'Ambroise Verschaffelt'.
Hybrid lactiflora.  
Crimson - purple.  Moderate fragrance.  Very full bloom form.  

Height: up to 3' (up to 90cm).  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
If you know the parentage of this peony, or other details, please contact us.
There is no 'Ambroise Verschaffelt' listed with Parmentier's originations in the 1853 catalogue, and the earliest reference to an 'Ambroise' peony we have is the 1870's. It may have been left off the list, but perhaps Calot bred 'Ambroise Verschaffelt' in 1868, and it was confused in commerce with Parmentier's 'Alexandre Verschaffelt'?

Alexandre Verschaffelt (1801-1850) was the father of Ambroise (1825-1886), and died in 1850, two years before Parmentier.
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