'Ambroise Verschaffelt' peony References
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 3. DOUBLE HERBACEOUS PEONIES SERIES C. 50 cents each Ambrose Verschaffelt, (Parmentler 1850) purplish crimson, fragrant and very full; one of the finest.
Book (1907) Page(s) 35. Ambroise Verchaffelt. Parmentier, 1850. Deep lilac crimson.
Ambroise Verchaffelt. Calot, 1868. Described by Ward: Deep purplish crimson; large, cup-shaped bloom; late. Fine for landscape work. Good for cut flowers. Not a success in the west.
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 32. Herbaceous Peonias. Select Double Peonias. Ambrois Verschaffelt. — Dazzling red. Very large flowers. A free bloomer.
Website/Catalog (1906) Page(s) 3. Double Herbaceous Paeonies. Series C. 50 cents each. Ambroise Verscheffelt, crimson purple, very full, fragrant.
Website/Catalog (1901) Page(s) 62. Pivoines herbacées Prix: 25 variétés, 12 francs. A notre choix exclusif, 100 plantes en 25 variétés, prix: 35 francs. A. Verschaffelt (Calot).
Website/Catalog (1884) Page(s) 35. Herbaceous Hardy Chinese Paeonias. 1547 Ambroise Verschaffelt, rich glowing purple, rose-scented
Magazine (3 Jul 1880) Page(s) 5. Double-flowered Pæonies. [...] Without making a long list of the best varieties we append an enumeration of a few of the most distinct. [...] Of crimsons—Ambroise Verschaffelt, Henry Demay, Souvenir d'Auguste Miellez, Victoire d'Alma, and Augustin Dhour. [...] All the above grow to much the same height, about 3 feet, and thrive well in any ordinary garden soil.
Magazine (9 Sep 1876) Page(s) 259. Select Pyrethrums, Pæonias, Potentillas, Irises, and Phloxes. Pæonias, varieties of sinensis. — Ambroise Verschaffelt, brilliant reddish-purple...