'Geranium Red' rose References
Website/Catalog (22 Dec 1998) Page(s) 25. Includes photo(s). Geranium Red Floribunda. Boerner 1947. Description... bright orange-red. The fragrance is surprisingly strong -- Boerner described it as being like that of a geranium. Preserved for decades at the Huntington Botanic Garden...
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 266. Includes photo(s). Geranium Red Floribunda. Boerner (USA) 1947. 'Crimson Glory' x Seedling... a deep and bright orange-red...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 193. Includes photo(s). Geranium Red Cluster-flowered. Eugene Boerner 1947. Parentage: 'Crimson Glory' x unnamed seedling. Description... reminiscent of an Old Garden Rose with its multitude of petals, ruffled and quartered, intense deep orange-red, intense, spicy fragrance... it is important historically, for it was the parent of 'Spartan', and through it has transmitted fragrance and compact habit to many of the most desirable of today's Cluster-flowered Roses...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 205. Floribunda, orange-red, 1947, 'Crimson Glory' x Seedling; Boerner; J&P. Flowers bright geranium-red, double (50 petals), globular, large (4 in.) blooms in clusters; very fragrant (geranium); foliage dark glossy; bushy growth.
Book (1993) Page(s) 174. Includes photo(s). A Hybrid Tea with attractive Old Rose flowers. Boerner (USA) 1947.
Website/Catalog (1967) Page(s) 29. GERANIUM RED (Boerner 1947). Fleurs très doubles de couleur uniforme brique orange vif.
[no longer listed in 1975]
Book (1953) Page(s) 133. Frank Mason, Feilding N.Z. Some Newer Roses. There is one that is coming on the market that will attract all those who like scent and an attractive colour in their flowers, and that is Geranium Red. It is a real geranium red and the scent will never be forgotten.
Website/Catalog (1953) Page(s) 34. Hybrid Polyantha or Foribunda Roses. Geranium Red (Boerner 1947) F. 3. Clusters of large red double blooms for this class with individual flowers up to 4 inches across. A peculiar shade of scarlet named Geranium Red in the colour chart. The fragrance is also that of Geraniums
Article (magazine) (Feb 1952) Page(s) 103. Geranium Red a Seedling of 'Crimson Glory'. Floribunda; Boerner, 1947; 'Crimson Glory' x Unnamed seedling; Geranium-red.
Book (1951) Page(s) 19. Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1951. Hybrid Polyanthas or Floribundas. Geranium Red (Boerner, 1947). Large very double blooms for this class with individual flowers up to 4 inches across. The colour is a peculiar shade of scarlet while the centre petals turn upward from the midrib giving a rather unusual appearance. The fragrance and colour are both described as indicated in the name.