*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. ***
Purchased Apr 2013 Rogue Valley Roses
5/24/2014 - Planted in new garden.
9/22/2015- slow grower and bloomer so far (ownroot), but the scent is wonderful.
5/16/2019- This rose is planted in almost complete (dappled) shade due to Miss Atwood growing so large nearby. You might think this bright red next to the soft apricot of the Miss would be quite garish, but I actually like it! Despite all the shade, my plant is a regular bloomer, though it does want for foliage. Size is about 3ft high x 1.5ft wide. Rarely suffers from dieback. If it blackspots, it's not bad enough for me to have noted it, or obviously bad enough to kill the plant. I don't spray.
5/18/2023- Miss Atwood was winter killed a few months ago, which brought a ton of light to my plant this spring. It has grown a bit wider from all of the attention. 3h x 2.5w
4/23/2024- With more light the plant has been a bloom machine! Size is 4h x 2.5w