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'General Jack' rose References
Book  (2 Nov 2003)  Page(s) 20.  
Barbara May and Jane Zammit.  Rookwood Cemetery Roses.  
The following roses have been identified at Rookwood, primarily in the old and Heritage listed areas  General Jacqueminot
Article (misc)  (2003)  
Général Jacqueminot: Tetraploid
Book  (Aug 2002)  Page(s) 42.  
General Jacqueminot
Rated 7.4
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 409.  
Général Jacqueminot  Chromosome number 28 (Wylie, 1955)  [Provenance: Guillot]
Book  (Dec 2000)  Page(s) 460.  
Général Jacqueminot
Hybrid Perpetual
Roussel (Meudon, France) [w/Rousselet] 1853
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 263.  Includes photo(s).
Général Jacqueminot ('General Jack', 'Jack Rose', 'La Brillante', 'Mrs. Cleveland', 'Richard Smith', 'Triomphe d'Amiens') Roussel (France) 1853. Seedling of 'Gloire des Rosomanes'. There are at least 500 seedlings and up to 60 sports of this honored Hybrid Perpetual... most of today's red roses can trace their ancestry to it... immense, dark red flowers... occasional white streaks... the blooms do not like hot sun... Mildew and rust may be a problem. Amateur Roussel of Meudon, France named this rose for a French general of the early nineteenth century
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 143, 316.  
Page 143: Général Jacqueminot Hybrid Perpetual. Roussel (France) 1853. ('La Brillante', 'Richard Smith', 'Triomphe d'Amiens', 'Mrs. Cleveland'). Possibly a hybrid between 'Gloire des Rosomanes' and 'Géant des Batailles'. Description... rich crimson flowers... a famous plant and ancestor...
Page 316: Général Jacqueminot brilliant scarlet-crimson flowers and damask fragrance... a fertile tetraploid... left a host of descendants of a similar type...
Book  (Dec 1993)  Page(s) 100.  
Général Jacqueminot ('General Jack', 'Jack Rose')
Hybrid Perpetual
Roussel (France) 1853
'Gloire des Rosomanes' x 'Géant des Batailles'
... An important variety in the development of the Modern Rose... most of the red roses of the present day relate back to this variety... rich crimson... the fragrance is particularly strong...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 189.  Includes photo(s).
Général Jacqueminot Hybrid Perpetual. ('General Jack'; 'The Jack Rose'; 'Richard Smith'; 'La Brillante'; 'Mrs. Cleveland'; 'Triomphe d'Amiens') There is some dispute whether the credit for its raising goes to a M. Roussel or his gardener, M. Rousselet, and just what its parents were. Probably 'Gloire des Rosomanes' x unknown. Description... one of the all-time great studs of the rose world... named for a veteran of Napoleon's wars...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 203.  
Hybrid Perpetual (OGR), red blend, 1853, ('Gén. Jacqueminot'; 'General Jack'; 'Jack Rose'); Probable seedling of 'Gloire des Rosomanes'; Roussel. Bud scarlet-crimson; flowers dark red, whitish reverse, double (27 petals), blooms with long, strong stems; very fragrant; foliage rich green; vigorous, bushy growth; recurrent bloom. Prototype for Hybrid Perpetual class.
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