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'General Jack' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 121-756
most recent 24 MAY 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 MAY 20 by Planetrj (zone 11b/H2 pH 5.8)
After a slow start, I've finally had two successful years of growth and blossom, and now I feel confident in a decent and more balanced evaluation.

First of all, I've not really seen so many varied experiences in the written, but also oral observations of one plant. My own personal experiences with this cultivar are exactly the same. A mixed bag. Last year, GJ did exceptionally well. After more than a year of brooding and growing roots, giving off few and reluctantly empty blooms (with my forgiving patience and understanding), last year was quite spectacular with a nice flush, then two tiny subsequent and surprising flushes later on in the year, which yielded promise in the repeat department (as some have noted). The petals more numerous, depth of color improving, more deep wine red mixed with a light hue of mauve undersides, hinting on grape... though fleeting, and I'm still not convinced I've captured a good enough subject flower to actually post one (yet).

This year has yet begun to yield yet another experience listed here: Mildew and BS. It's been a more difficult year for BS, and I have noticed more Mildew on those which hadn't been bothered by it in the past. Now, GJ is also terribly bothered by both like I've not seen it before. Some of the lower leaves have dropped and were mottled by heavy BS'ing.

My best guess at this point, as I enter into the 3rd year of having it: Though it has much nostalgia and history, this rose is not for the faint of heart. It's not a "Novice" level rose, it's not an impatient gardener rose, it's not a limited space garden rose, and it certainly is NOT a rose for the person who wants to have one stand-out specimen rose as a centerpiece. This one best belongs in the background like the ugly duckling for perhaps years to come, and with the hopes that it will become that Swan "Someday", and a rose that 'only a mother could love'. Don't expect 'flushes-o-plenty' for a long time.

If you have a LOT of patience, and just want another rose for the kicks, you could choose this one, but I would advise NEVER to consider it if you have only space enough for a dozen or so. It's still somehow intriguing for those who have plenty extra space, and in this case, I'd say to give it a try albeit with low expectations, and it might surprise you!
Discussion id : 109-136
most recent 9 MAR 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 MAR 18 by CybeRose
Gardener's Monthly and Horticulturist volume 22, no. 264, page 362 (Dec 1880)
There has been much difficulty experienced by the growers in raising Hybrid roses for the cut flower market; and thus far with the single exception of Gen. Jacqueminot, all efforts have been almost a total failure.

Paul Neron is grown to a limited extent, and could it be put on the market at a reasonable figure would probably be one of the favorites, as its large size, noble form, and peculiar soft rosy red color make it very attractive. A rose, however, that in February can hardly be sold under two dollars each, retail, will scarcely find more than a limited number of purchasers.

There are other hybrids that can be forced with more or less ease, but there is always something defective in the flower, either that it does not form a good bud, or that its color is wrong r undecided, or some such cause.

Gen. Jacqueminot, however, to those that have been lucky in raising it, has been a little "mine," so to speak, and has probably been the best paying of all the fancy roses.

Professionally speaking, "Jack" rose is not in the market much before February, although a few may be had as early as December. These are aptly called "bastards," being poor, miserable, scrubby little things. Poor as they are, however, they are worth about forty dollars per hundred then.

Although this price seems enormous for such a poor article, one grower who had one house especially for December forcing, assured me that the season before he had lost twenty cents on every bud he sold, and he having a superior stock received fifty dollars a hundred for them. He continued forcing early because it gave him a lead in the market, and enabled him to command a higher price for his other goods.

A single crop of Jacks lasts about two weeks and a house will yield a couple of crops, one in February and a second in April.

The fluctuation in the price of Jacks is startling and terrifying to the oldest hand. I have known a rise or a fall of twenty dollars a hundred in a single day. Last season the average scale of prices in Philadelphia was about as follows to May 1st:--

Feb. 1st half, per hundred, $60
2nd half " " 45
March 1st week, " 35
2nd " 30
3d " 20
4th " 35
April 1st "15
2nd " 12
3d " 20
4th " 25

During this time, of course, there were many violent changes—the highest figure that was reached in that time was sixty-five dollars, and lowest six dollars per hundred.

The average retail price was fifty cents a bud, although they have sold as high as a dollar, each.

A "Jack" bouquet is worth from fifteen to thirty dollars. It is used alone, or in combination with Niel, Cook, or Lily of the Valley.

A bouquet, the centre formed of Niels, or one of one side Niels and one side Jacks, were the favorites last winter. A Jack bouquet is generally trimmed with ribbon to match the color of the bud.

Over a thousand Jacks were used in Philadelphia recently on one occasion by one firm. The buds having a good stiff figure in the market at the time.

Jacqueminot is a second of the three roses, the price of which is always kept up, for the same reason that M. Niel is held stiff by the retail florist.

Jacqueminot was first introduced to the public in Boston, where it at once created a furore that has not yet subsided.
Discussion id : 90-932
most recent 17 FEB 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 FEB 16 by true-blue
For ease of referencing I have separated the paragraphs.
The author discusses two HPs the first being Géant des Batailles.

Hazel Le Rougetel - A Heritage of Roses, 1988 p.63-4

The 2nd 'Général Jacqueminot', was introduced in 1853 and described ten year later by David Hay of Auckland as 'most brilliant, crimson, scarlet, even surpassing Géant des Batailles, the best in this class'.
Eighteen year later, Henderson of New York, emphasized, 'This is now the most fashionable of all roses, or winter flowers' and thought that probably 200,000 sq. ft (18,580 sq. m) of greenhouses were devoted exclusively to its growth in the vicinity of New York for the purpose of forcing it.
Still the praise continued: B. A. Elliott & Co., Plantsmen of Pittsburgh had 'never had better success with Hybrid Perpetuals than in last summer and autumn; one bed of Jacqueminots containing a hundred plants gave us quantities of bloom daily from June to September' (A Few Flowers Worthy of General Culture, Pittsburgh, 1899).

Finally, forty years after introduction, T. B. Jenkins added his applause:

In 1853 France gave us Général Jacqueminot, leader of the Hybrid Perpetuals, the grand, dark crimson rose, so sturdy in growth, rich in bloom and powerful in colour. The great half grown crimson buds have slept on the bosom of every belle since that day and they have been sold by the hundred for as many dollars to New York dealers and were retailed, no doubt, for twice that sum. A few days before one Christmas the only Jacqueminot buds to be found in the city were sold for $15 each or eight times their weight in gold.
Roses and Rose Culture, Rochester, N.Y. (1892)
Reply #1 of 1 posted 17 FEB 16 by Patricia Routley
Thank you. Reference added.
Discussion id : 60-961
most recent 29 NOV 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 JAN 12 by goncmg
If you want to grow an easy rose from seed, this is the one in my experiences. You can just throw the seed in the soil, no chilling, nothing, and pretty much immediately as if it was a zinnia and not a rose, up they come, popcorn, huge germ %. And some end up being once-blooming but many bloom right away----they are never very good---but sometimes it is just about the experience and again, you want an easy one to see what a rose is like from seed, this is a good bet.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 15 JAN 12 by HMF Admin
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with the HMF community !
Reply #2 of 2 posted 29 NOV 15 by styrax
It is important to note that only roses without species from temperate to artic enviroments in their near ancestry will sprout without chilling- rugosas, gallicas, damasks, and hybrid laxas (for example) won't sprout, but Chinas, hybrids banksias, HT, Teas, and most Noisettes will.
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