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'Rosa gallica var. austriaca' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 65.  
Rosier d'Amour ('Austriaca', 'Dwarf Austrian Rose', 'Nain', 'Petit Provins', 'Pumila', 'Rosier d'Autriche') Translation: "Rose-Bush of Love". Gallica. Unknown pre-1806. The author cites information from different sources... Deep pink...
Book  (Jul 1998)  Page(s) 36.  
Rosa gallica "Pumila". (Seringe). Synonyms: Rosa austriaca "pygmaea" (Wallroth). Rosa humilis (Tausch, not Marshall). Rosa pumila (Jacquin). Rosier d'amour. Rosier d'Autriche. Habit: upright shrub; 0,40 to 0,60 m., but might attain 1,50 m if grafted; prickles and bristles. Foliage: dark green; small elliptical leaflets, almost rounded, guttered, sometimes 6 instead of 5 per leaf. Bloom: soliatry or by 2 to 3s; large (in relation to the shrub), single (5 petals); tendency of the petals to reflex inwards; nice crown of stamens. Colour: purple-pink, light at the base of the petals. Fragrance: moderate. Fruit: pyriform, orangeish, very persistent. This wild variety of western Europe was placed taken up in culture in 1773 by the celebrated nursery "Lee and Kennedy". ...Thory describes it thus in Les Roses of Redouté: "one and a half foot high, rarely two. Its canes sometimes simple, more often branched, mixed with pedicelled glands...Corolla of five petals, large in relation to the smallness of the shrub, a whitish tone on the reverse, light purple inside."
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 151.  
location II/11a, R. gallica L. 'Pumila' (Jacq.) Seringe, GALLICANAE, southern Europe, before 1789, red, single, large, bushy, short, creeping, 0.2-0.3 m, orange-brownish medium size rounded fruit
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 76.  
pumila H. Br., pumila Jacq. (variety of gallica L.) [ploidy] 28
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 21.  
Amour, Rosier d' (Provins) = Austriaca.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 434.  
Austriaca (Provins) Crantz 1768; cherry-red, single, flecked foliage, reverse pubescent, strongly serrated; = Variety of R. gall. L.; R. gall. austr. Borb.; R. pumila Rouy. Sangerhausen
Book  (1912)  Page(s) 49.  
Catalogue des Roses exposées
19. Rosier d'Amour.—Provins.
Connu en Allemagne sous le nom de Rosier d'Autriche; Redouté l'a vu au Luxembourg et dans le jardin de M. Le Dru; c'est le Petit Provins de Du Pont.
Book  (1877)  Page(s) 67-68.  
R. gallica L. spec. 704. — Lindl. Ros. mom. pag. 68. — Koch syn. fl. germ. ed. II. p. 255.
α. pumila; ramulis floriferis glandulosis, caeterum glabris v. puberulis; floribus normalibus.
Petioli rhachesque glandulosa, ceterum glabra v. puberula. Foliola utrinque glabra v. subtus paullo pubescentia. Flores rosei.
R. gallica Guimpel d. Holzg. tab. 89. — Sturm fl. X. tab. 34. — Hayne Arzn. XI. tab. 30. — Nees Düsseld. tab. 302.
R. gallica rosea simplex Red. Ros. III. p. 57 cum tab. (floribus maximis roseo-purpureis).
R. pumila Jacq. fl. austr. II. p. 59 tab. 198. — Red. Ros. II. pag. 63 cum tab.
R. austriaca Crtz. stirp. austr. II. 33.
R. pomponia fl. subsimplici Red. Ros. II. p. 57 cum tab. (lusus floribus parvis roseis).
R. pygmaea M. B. fl. taur. cauc. I. 397.—Ejusd. cent. tab. 2.
R. repens Münch hausv. V. 281.
R. hispida Münch l. c.
R. olympica Donn. cent. ed. 8. p. 170.
R. arvina Krock. fl. sil. II. 150.
R. centifolia simpleae Redouté Ros. I. p. 77 cum ic.
R. Czackiana Bess. enum. p. 61.
R. livescens Bess. enum. p. 20, 61, 67.
R. Wolfgangiana Bess. enum. p. 61, 66.
R. hybrida Gaud. in Ser. melang. I. pag. 39. — Gr. et Godr. fl. de France I. 553.
R. Axmanni Gmel. fl. bad. 3. 367.
R. sylvatica Gater montaub. 94.
R. Waitziana Tratt Ros. I. 57. — D. C. prodr. II. 623.
R. humilis Tausch in Flora II. 465. — Tratt Ros. X. 41.
R. Polliniana Sprgl. pag. II. 66 (lusus calycis tubo glabro).
R. arenivaga Déséglise in bull. cat. in mémoires soc. acad. Maine et Loire XII. extr. p. 9. — Crep. in bull. soc. bot. belg. XV. p.
242. — (Stylis glabris, floribus magnis roseis).
Book  (1842)  Page(s) 271.  
R. gallica....Varieties....pumila DC., Lindl. Ros. 68. Short Provins-Rose; R. pumila Jacq. Austr. 2. t. 198. R. olympica Lindl. Ros. 69. - Leaflets almost rounded-ovoid. Stipules very narrow. Brancher more or less prickly. Pedicels and calyx black-glandular-hispid.
Website/Catalog  (1826)  Page(s) 63.  
ROSA gallica.
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