'Rosa gallica var. austriaca' rose Reviews & Comments
Supplementum Plantarum Systematis Vegetabilium (1781) Carolo a Linne (Jr.) Rosa pumila. R. germinibus ovatis, petiolis pedunculisque hispidis, caule superne aculeatissimo. Rosa pumila. Clus. hist. 117. Jacqu. austr. v. 2. p. 59. t. 198. Rosa sylvestris pumila rubens. Bauh. pin. p. 483. Habitat in Austria. Ramuli aculeis copiosissimis, qui in caulibus decidunt. Fructus magni, pyriformes.
A delightful small scale rose with thin stems and small leaves and flowers all nicely in proportion. The perfectly single flowers on the clone I grow are about 2 and 1/2 inches in diameter. It will grow and flower in considerable shade. Spreads slowly by underground stolons.
Thank you, Fred. It's always good to hear from you.
Smiles, Lyn