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'Harbinger' rose References
Article (misc)  (2008)  Page(s) Unpublished.  
Harbinger HG lp 1923 Bred Sgl. R.gigantea x Unknown Clark A.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 40.  
‘Harbinger’ (Clark, introduced by Hackett, 1923).
Magazine  (2003)  
Heritage Roses in Australia. 7th National Conference Proceedings. Hay, NSW. 2003
p37 John Nieuwesteeg. Australian Roses Past and Present. ....It is my firm belief that the correct ‘Tonner’s Fancy’, along with ‘Harbinger’, has come from ‘Thelangerin’, a property here near Hay.
Magazine  (2003)  Page(s) 7 Vol 25, No. 2.  
Peter Cox The first three gigantea hybrids (Jessie Clark, 1915, Flying Colours, 1922 and Harbinger 1923] are all spring flowering and one can probably assume that Jessie Clark was the seed parent of both Flying Colours and Harbinger. Both Jessie Clark and Harbinger are pale pink, although the former has deeper shades in the bud and opening flower. I should state that I have yet to see the rose sold today as Harbinger to see how alike the two roses are. There are two nurseries listing Harbinger in the Australian Rose Directory, one in WA and the other in SA. David Ruston was of the opinion that the rose sold as Harbinger in WA was in fact Jessie Clark when last I enquired on that subject.

[refer 1928 Australian Rose Annual reference]
Magazine  (2002)  Page(s) 38. Vol 24, No. 3.  
Coleen Houston. An Article in 1999 by Brenda Weir of Hay Bishop’s Lodge Management Committee: Is This Harbinger? As a result of detective work associated with identifying roses at Bishop’s Lodge, Hay, NSW, some of our garden committee began to look at other old surviving roses in the district. We became aware of the unusual early blooming of some Thelangerin roses when the McFarland family, who own this old grazing property near Hay, sent roses to arrange in the church for the September funeral of a young friend. Almost a year later on 27th July, 1992, Coleen Houston and I visited neighbouring Thelangerin and collected cuttings of these interesting roses, which grew in the garden begun by Mrs. Harold McFarland around 1922. .....“Thelangerin Single Pink” is another climber of impressive dimensions and another early flowerer. The seven pointed leaflets have a matt surface and buds begin to open into largish, single pink flowers in September. Flowering continues until the end of October. Both of these roses retain most of their leaves in winter and provide many clues which might indicate that they are Alister Clark roses. The date on which Mrs. Harold McFarland’s garden was established on ‘Thelangerin’ gives emphasis to this idea. As has been done on other occasions, with old roses found in the Hay district, the Bishop’s Lodge Committee has had these ‘Thelangerin’ roses budded professionally. This year (1999 ed) we are offering “Thelangerin Single Pink” for sale and we are asking the question, Is this Alister Clark rose Harbinger?

p.s. John Nieuwesteeg has since confirmed that it is indeed Harbinger and this rose is again available to rose growers as a result of the investigations of Brenda Weir and Coleen Houston.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 10.  
Harbinger. – 1923. Climbing Hybrid Gigantea rose. Large, single, soft pink flowers. No longer available.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 43.  
Harbinger. Clark. Australia. 1923. Climber. Pink. (Available from) Cottage, Melville
Magazine  (1997)  Page(s) 3. Vol 19, No. 3.  
Noelene Drage: Spring is about to spring because the first Harbinger flower is out (Alister Clark’s big single pink) growing at the bottom of the garden, and right up the top at the other end, the first three flowers on R. laevigata – all on the same day.
Book  (1997)  
p213 All we need now to complete the planting on this fence is ‘Harbinger’. We had it at Bleak House but have not yet planted it at Erinvale. Unlike most climbers and ramblers, the R. gigantea hybrids do not strike easily from cuttings, so it is a matter for budding. Mary Chomley sent me a photograph of a splendid specimen growing in her garden at Casterton in western Victoria. She promised to send some budwood the winter before last. Then came a letter of apology. ‘Harbinger’ had grown so out of control that it was “pushing the roof up and the old room sideways” so, to effect repairs, it had been necessary to cut it right to the ground. By next year it will probably have reached the roof again and she will, I feel sure, send budwood.

p252 ‘Harbinger’ – Very vigorous climber. 1923. R. gigantea hybrid. Large, single, soft pink flowers. Growing at the Chomley’s property in the Western District of Victoria.
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 120.  
Harbinger Very vigorous climber. 1923. R. gigantea hybrid. Large, single, soft pink flowers. Growing at the Chomley's property in the western district of Victoria.
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