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'Harbinger' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 40-127
most recent 31 OCT 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 OCT 09 by Sandie Maclean
Reading through the references for Harbinger I see that it is compared to Sinica Anemone a few times.
(Sinica Anemone. F. Schmidt, 1895. Single, silvery pink, shaded rose.)
Maybe the other parent could have been Sinica (Laevigata) Anemone?
Makes sense with the early flowering habit and shining foliage.
The Adelaide Advertiser
7th October 1919
Rose Show
A feature of the show were several bouquets of the Blackboy climbing rose,
sent by Mr Alister Clark by rail from Bulla in Victoria, accompanied by specimens
of some seedlings raised by him of the sinica anemone type but in novel shades.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 31 OCT 09 by Patricia Routley
That is an interesting thought Sandie. Bearing in mind, Alister Clark himself said in 1928 that 'Harbinger' was a first generation Gigantea hybrid....
I am not sure about the fecundity of 'Anemonenrose'. I also wonder if the original 'Harbinger' showed any signs of R. laevigata's bristly receptacle, or those trifoliate leaves. The June 2, 1924 reference says 'Harbinger' had "shining" foliage and on October 1, 1924 it was "bright green". Hmmm
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