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'Bridesmaid' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 165-912
most recent 9 MAR HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 MAR by odinthor
From The Weekly Florists' Review, vol. 7, 1900, p. 4:

Replying to T.M., the sport from Mermet, so well known as the Bridesmaid, originated with Mr. Frank L. Moore, Chatham, N.J. It was first named The Hugh, and Mr. Moore made no special effort to introduce it, as the Waban, another sport from Mermet and almost identical in color with The Hugh, was being introduced by other parties. The Waban, however, did not prove a good commercial rose away from the establishment of the originator and The Hugh was then rechristened the Bridesmaid and introduced. Probably no other rose has been so largely grown for cut flowers in America as The Bridesmaid. Its parent, Catherine Mermet, was at one time very largely grown for cut flowers but for this purpose has now been universally abandoned.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 MAR by Patricia Routley
Thank you. Reference added.
Discussion id : 79-805
most recent 7 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 AUG 14 by CybeRose
American Florist, 9: 905 (April 26, 1894)
Many growers, particularly those who were caught in the Waban craze a few years ago, are rather cautious about investing in any new pink variety. “Mermet is good enough for me; let some other fool experiment with new varieties; I have been hit often enough," are expressions we meet with quite frequently. Yet the good qualities of the Bridesmaid are no longer a matter of speculation. Any grower so disposed can investigate for himself by seeing it grow at various establishments around the city.

Mr. Kennedy, an experienced grower, who manages the affairs of this establishment, in speaking of this variety says: "My experience with this rose the present season, is such that I feel warranted in recommending it very highly. With me it has proved the best paying variety we grow. I bought last spring 1,000 plants from the house that introduced this sort. Being personally acquainted with Mr. Moore I relied upon his judgment as to the merit of this rose, but I must admit that I didn't feel quite easy in my mind. The thought of the Waban was still a nightmare to me, but all I can say now is, that I wish I had bought 3,000 instead of 1,000. You will notice that these roses are planted in various situations in different houses. Here is one lot on a front bench, another on a center bench, and still another is grown on the rear bench of a house. I did this to test the variety thoroughly. There is little if any difference in any of them. The habit of this rose is certainly as good as that of Mermet, with me it seems even a stronger grower, and as regards yield fully as good. I intend to bench at least 3,000 plants this spring."
Discussion id : 79-804
most recent 7 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 AUG 14 by CybeRose
American Gardening, 8(5): 320 (May 1892)
AMONG the new roses now offered to the trade it would be hard to find one more promising than Bridesmaid. This, like The Bride and Waban, is a sport from Mermet, showing the character of its parent strongly in habit and growth. The color, however, is totally distinct. While Mermet is shell-pink, fading into yellowish white in bad weather, Bridesmaid is bright satiny pink, devoid of yellow, and it bears dark weather admirably. Waban has been a disappointment to many, though it would be unfair to condemn it without further trial. Bridesmaid, it will be remembered, was first offered under the title of "Hugh," being named after Hugh Waban, but this name was superseded by the later and more euphonious one. There is much in a name, as every florist knows.
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