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'JACthain' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 56-102
most recent 17 JUL 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 JUL 11 by bungalow1056
'Tuscan Sun' is extremely vigorous here in central NC and blooms like crazy. I've had no real trouble with blackspot using only basic prevention measures.
Reply #2 of 1 posted 17 JUL 11 by HMF Admin
Terrific contributions to HMF - thank you for sharing your experience. It's what HMF is all about.

We hope you have also taken the opportunity to use the "Member Ratings" tab for this plant to rate its specific attributes. This will allow us to provide a search feature for ratings.
Discussion id : 27-756
most recent 25 JUN 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 JUN 08 by anonymous-156044
Available from - select roses
langley british columbia canada
Discussion id : 27-572
most recent 20 JUN 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUN 08 by angela
Good bloom repeat and nice color
poor blackspot resistance
Discussion id : 14-519
most recent 19 OCT 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 OCT 06 by Sarah
Exactly how cold hardy?,I live in the pacific north west and this is my first year with the rose,was just curios what kind of winter protection I should give this rose.ive really enjoyed the color and bloom form its beautiful.Just dont want to lose it over winter.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 16 OCT 06 by digger

We have only had Tuscan Sun for one winter and I was surprised this spring. I mounded a foot of soil to protect it last winter. TS had live cane 6 inches to a foot above the mounding. Secret (planted the same day) is next to it and canes died back a few inches below the mounding. A friend in Colorado had the same experience with TS last winter. We are happy to see live cane above the mounding in spring (Montana zone 4/5).


Reply #2 of 5 posted 18 OCT 06 by Sarah
Thank you that gives me great hope as I once lived in Missoula.Thank You
Reply #4 of 5 posted 19 OCT 06 by digger
My pleasure, one winter isn't much to go by but it has convinced us to get a couple more Tuscan Sun. Deb is crazy about the rascal and I can't help but like a rose that blooms so much.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 19 OCT 06 by HMF Admin
Thanks so much for participating Dave.  This is what HMF is all about - It's such a pleasure to see people using HMF to share experience like this.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 19 OCT 06 by digger

My thanks to every one at HMF. I've used HMF for years to research roses. I made time to check the new features here a couple months ago. I've been rating and commenting about the roses we grow ever since. HMF was a great site before and is improving. The Q & A forum is the first site I check when I get online in the morning and drink my first cup of coffee. HMF is often the only site I have time to check during the work season. Deb sends her thanks to y'all too. I need to check the clematis side of the site more often.


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