'KORterschi' rose Reviews & Comments
Would you grow this in an area that gets lots of rain?
Initial post
27 MAY 17 by
Mine is in (I think) it's 3rd season (possibly 4th). This spring, she's acting almost like my climbers so far with the buds and growth pattern! She's about 4' tall currently, with nearly no die-back from the winter. She's at the South wall of my house behind another row of roses with roses on both sides of her and some peonies scattered around as well. Time will tell what she does, but she's sweet and gorgeous. I look forward to the buds breaking into flowers in the next few days/weeks (some are just about to pop!).
Sunrise creamy peach, I can't remember her smell but I'll comment later I hope with such info. I'm glad I have her in my mix.
This beautiful shrub rose named for a story in the Brothers Grimm`s collection of German fairytales (City Musicians of Bremen) has become one of my favourites. I bought this rose a couple of years ago after having read about it and seen the photo in a German rose catalogue as I checked out the shrubs. Although I had my mind rather set on a rose with more vivid colours, I decided on this one, and I am happy to say that it has never given me any cause for regret. On the contrary. Even though it has been given a partly shady spot, being as it is for hours overshadowed by a birch tree and a smaller pear tree, it just keeps on flowering almost continuously throughout the season. The creamy pink flowers also have a light scent, and still on the bright side there is a good disease resistance and rain tolerance. Besides it doesn`t seem to mind a rather dense ground cover vegetation either.
BREMER STADTMUSIKANTEN : Voir photo catalogue 2007/2008 de KORDES aussi BELAMI Maurice
#1 of 3 posted
23 DEC 07 by
Is this different from Belami 1985? http://www.helpmefind.com/rose/pl.php?n=12272&tab=1
Yes , différent de BELAMI KORDES 1985 ( KORhanbu , KORprill ) BELAMI - KORDES 2000 ( KORterschi ) - Trés jolie rose !!! Maurice.
#3 of 3 posted
23 DEC 07 by