'WEKchrisg' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
18 NOV 04 by
Unregistered Guest
Is this a better /more abundant bloomer with bigger flowers than her sport parent Lynn Anderson??
Based on the given height, I doubt it. The lack of blooms is mostly due to its genetic desire to pillar up. LA is a rose that is just as vigorous grafted as it is own-root, which lends to the idea that its more of a pillar rose bred from HTs than a traditional HT. Weeks crossed it with Crystalline to get Moonstone, which is far more typical in HT size. Because Crowd Please is strictly a color mutation, the plant traits remain.
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
Unregistered Guest
Very pretty amd worth growing, it gets BS so spraying is a must but otherwise, the blooms are beautiful and the leaves are huge and matte green. It does send tall shoots from time to time so plan on some support or have your shears ready! The cerise pink blooms are born in clusters and last pretty long in the sun.