'Mermaid' rose References
Magazine (2002) Page(s) 45. Vol 96, Part 2. Peter Harkness. Personal Favourites Next comes CF Climber 'Mermaid', the pale yellow, single which displays the distinctive plant character of its parent Rosa bracteata, and blooms for many weeks. It's beautiful but does not do well for everyone, hence a memorably appropriate catalogue description 'awkward on land'.
Book (Nov 1999) Page(s) 32. Mermaid Monet grew this stunning flower along the canopy of a porch that ran almost the entire length of his house, and he considered it his favorite of all roses... Monet also liked to use 'Mermaid' in his water garden... Today, the water garden at Giverny features 'Nevada', a large, saucer-sized, white shrub rose with gracefully arching canes...
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 559. Mermaid Bracteata. William Paul 1918
Book (Nov 1998) Page(s) 13. R. bracteata 'Mermaid' Introduced in 1918. Flowers: single, lemon yellow...
Website/Catalog (23 Oct 1998) Page(s) 29. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (Jun 1998) Page(s) 60. Includes photo(s).
Book (Mar 1998) Page(s) 10. Mermaid a hybrid of R. bracteata... large yellow flowers
Book (Feb 1997) Page(s) 10. Mermaid a five-petalled climber or rambling bush rose with large pure-white-to-lemon blooms...
Book (Oct 1996) Page(s) 39. Mermaid Description... an evergreen climber that flowers all year... Flowers are single, lemon-yellow with brown stamens, and enormous -- up to 15 cm across...
Book (1996) Page(s) 46. The parentage [of 'Pearl Drift'] shows that the raiser got seed out of the usually sterile 'Mermaid', which he had pollinated with 'New Dawn'...