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'MEIniacin' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 10-470
most recent 17 MAY 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 NOV 05 by Mich, Fremont, CA
Does anyone know of a source for this rose? I've been trying to track down a plant without success. Thanks
Reply #1 of 4 posted 10 NOV 05 by Wendy C
I just got my Northland Rosarium catalog today, and Perfume Beauty is listed.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 14 NOV 05 by Mich, Fremont, CA
Thank you so much for the info!

I'm in Fremont, CA near San Francisco. I was interested in Perfume Beauty cause I'd seen a reference on a web site saying how much more beautiful it was than Perfume Delight and how much better the scent was also. Fragrance is at the top of my list, among other things, but unfortunately I've very picky. A rose that is gorgeous but doesn't have good scent, or a great scented rose that's stingy with flowers still won't make the grade. The descriptions in the Northland catalog, "a light rose scent" and "gentle fragrance," doesn't exactly sound like the rose I was expecting. Some of my favorite roses are Yves Piaget, Shocking Blue, Mr. Lincoln, Mme Isaac Pereire, Jardins de Bagatelle, Perfume Delight, Sheila's Perfume, and Velvet Fragrance, so it's got some stiff competition. Has anyone grown this rose and what did you think of it?
Reply #3 of 4 posted 10 NOV 06 by LochWes
Mich-    I purchased a Perfume Beauty as a 1-1/2 grade bare root at Home Depot (S.F. Peninsula) this past March.  Here is a summary of my one season of experience with Perfume Beauty->  Pros:  Hardy plant, long strong stocks, nice dark green foliage, disease resistant (so far), pleasant unique medium-strength damask fragrance, up to 6-1/2 inch blooms, many (~45) petals, ~5 day vase life.  |  Cons:  A little stingy with blooms, first flushes were balling-up so I have been helping the blooms out by hand (to continue until I observe better natural unfurling), petals are prone to damage/discoloration at their apex.  |  I uploaded Photo Id: 58791.  It is a good example of my blooms.  Hope these observations are still helpful to you at this late date...
Reply #4 of 4 posted 17 MAY 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Thank you for the info. on fragrance.
Discussion id : 25-467
most recent 15 APR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 APR 08 by wordycat
I think the comment from Lochwes is the most accurate. His photo also. Many of the photos shown are not consistant. This is a very srong growing rose bush and the blooms are fragrant. The blooms are often discolored.
Discussion id : 7-073
most recent 17 OCT 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 OCT 04 by Unregistered Guest
The 2001 edition of the Combined Rose List makes no mention of fragrance in this rose. What do the folks who grow it say?
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