'AUSmian' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 32. 1983. Rated 8.7
Book (2000) Page(s) 157-158. Includes photo(s). ‘Charmian’: Arbuste… fleurit avec tant d’abandon que ses rameaux ploient souvent jusqu’au sol sous le poids des fleurs. Grandes et pleines, d’un rose opulent, elles s’ouvrent en rosettes plates, puis se creusent légèrement à maturité. Le feuillage vert franc et satiné est exempt de maladies. Avec son port souple, ‘Charmian’ excelle à former de charmants coussins dans une bordure, ou à jouer les semi-grimpants sur un muret ou une clôture peu elevée. Austin, UK, 1982.
Book (1997) Page(s) 12, 22, 86, 88. Includes photo(s). Page 12: [Photo] Page 22: [Photo] Page 86: Charmian Description and cultivation... of all the English Roses, this one comes the closest to being a true climber... deep pink flowers that open flat with a wonderful, heady, Old Rose fragrance... Training works for this rose [don't be afraid to prune it!!!]... Charmian was Cleopatra's faithful attendant in Antony and Cleopatra. After Cleopatra's death, Charmian applies the asp to her own breast just as Octavius's guards enter the tomb... Page 88: [Photo]
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 88. Shrub, medium pink, 1983, (AUSmian); Seedling x 'Lilian Austin'; Austin, David; David Austin Roses, 1982. Flowers medium pink, double (40+ petals), large; very fragrant; foliage medium, medium green, semi-glossy; spreading growth.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 258. Includes photo(s). Charmian (AUSmian) Modern shrub. Parentage: Unnamed seedling x 'Lilian Austin'. England 1982. Description and cultivation... The showy blooms are large and cup-shaped, the petals forming thick folds of a glorious light magenta, and giving off a sweet and delicate scent...
Book (1993) Page(s) 45, 57, 90. Includes photo(s). Page 45: [Photo] Page 57: [Photo] Page 90: [Photo] Charmian 1982. Seedling x 'Lilian Austin'. 'Charmian' carries large, heavy flowers of a deep pink color, which weigh down its broad arching growth... This rose has a rather floppy habit of growth... it will make a useful short climber of perhaps 6 feet...
Book (1993) Page(s) 149. Includes photo(s).
Book (1988) Page(s) 117. Includes photo(s). Charmian (AUSmian) English Rose. Austin 1982. Description. Unnamed seedling x 'Lilian Austin'.