Natalie Bloxham - Arcola Garden
Initial post
4 AUG 07 by
Unregistered Guest
Hi Natalie, My name is Simona I live in Santa Monica and I have admired your garden trough your pictures. You really did great. I am rose lover as well, my favorites are OGR. I love your Marachel Niel, mine is pretty puny. I guess he loves the heat of the Valley. Regards, Simona
Thank you, Simona, for your praise. I am also crazy about roses. Some people might say "wacko" as I have converted my entire back yard to multiple raised bed rose gardens which I water entirely by hand every morning. My husband is in the process of building a pergola for my wisteria vine to cover. We will then have a bit of shade from which view all of my babies. I have just under 110 different varieties and 200 bushes. You are right about Marechal Niel. It loves the valley and the hottest place in it. At first the roses were puney, but since they have established themselves, they really do put on a show. Natalie
Dear Simona, Do you still have your Marechal Niel? I just gave mine a severe haircut for the first time. It loved it. I found that the rose will grow a lot of trash that needs to be cleaned out. If you do that, you should have a good result with fresh growth.
Beautiful roses and beautiful photographs! It's rewarding to see that someone close by geographically (I'm in Pasadena) also has amazing roses. I get scared when I hear some of the comments about huge octopus arms and other ungainly things. How do you keep your water bill down? and do you recommend anyone local who does irrigation. My rose desires got ahead of my irrigation system and I need to extend it.
Funny you should say that about irrigating your roses. I had a man come and give me an estimate to do my irrigation, but I never acted on his offer. I have the same problem. Every time I water my hand....I think about the water bill. I am glad we are not in a drought any least for the time being.
I am having a problem identifying two roses in my collection. I have photographed them and would appreciate any feedback I receive. The orange rose is very large and each flower grows on a long stem. The yellow rose I used to call Sunsprite, but it is not. I believe the yellow rose is Sun Flare.
#1 of 6 posted
28 OCT 07 by
Unregistered Guest
Not sure about the red one but the yellowish cream looks like my Elina's
Thank you, Alison, for responding. The yellow one does look a lot like Elina, however, mine is a floribunda and not a hybrid tea. The photograph you put up of Elina does look exactly like my rose in the full open stage. Thanks again. Natalie
#3 of 6 posted
30 OCT 07 by
Unregistered Guest
That's too bad. Elina is one of my favorites! Good luck though.
I think the yellow one is Sun Flare. I finally found a photo on the internet that looks like it in both bloom and growing pattern. The funny thing is that one of Sun Flare's parents is Sunsprite. Natalie
It was fun running into you at Costco, even if you don't remember me, Natalie. It occured to me that you were very involved with the Beautiful People Awards. I was the photographer at all of those events.
I hope you'll come by some time so I can give you some water for you, your husband, and your roses.
You can reach me at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
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Initial post
5 JUN 08 by
Unregistered Guest
Natalie, the roses are simply breath taking! My little one has filled out & has lots of leaves, so I'm hoping for an aromatic show this summer. How is your wisteria? I have planted one in the front of the house and it's having a bumpy ride so far. We'll see. Do you know if Chinese wisteria likes Indiana? Maria in Bloomington
Maria, Graham built a pergola for the wisteria on my garden patio. It has been growing up on the roof and flopping on the patio for years and now it has a structure to grow on and will provide shade for the table on the patio. I will send you a photo. Graham really did a beautiful job. Aren't all wisterias Chinese? One thing about mine....I planted it many years ago. It took at least 7 years before it started to bloom with any significance. Once it started blooming we decided to build the pergola. Now it is growing like crazy and I expect it will bloom profusely next February. Your rose sounds like it's happy since you cleared the space for it to grow. All it needs is space, sun, water and Sadie's favorite Natalie