I was looking for a "pure" orange rose (same color with the peel of an orange) throughout the previous season and based on some photos I think I finally found it on this one.
I know this was an old post, but if you are still interested in orange floribundas I would highly recommend Vavoom. It is as pure orange as they get. John
Where did you buy this rose? I think the color is brilliant.
I got this rose several yrs ago from Armstrong Gardens, back when they used to do mail order. Unfortunately, I don't even think they offer it at their local nurseries in Southern CA anymore. It's a rose that's pretty much out of commerce now.
#2 of 2 posted
6 JUL 08 by
Thanks for the reply. It's a pitty that the don't offer this rose anymore, and I can't undertand why... I have an obsession with true orange roses and I find this one more beautiful than Gingersnap.
PhotoDiscussion id : 21-704
it's not yellow and has different shape
PhotoDiscussion id : 15-955
The color is wrong but especially the leaves are wrong. I have bought black magic directly from Tantau nursery (the breeder of this rose) and the leaves are pointed not oval.