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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Kelway's Pæonies, Langport, Somerset
(1927)  Page(s) 9.  Includes photo(s).
Kelway's Lovely Single-Flowered Pæonies
General Collection
Baby Kelway, delicate flesh colour of an exquisite tint, nearly white. A really charming flower; substantial and smooth-petalled. 10/6 each.
(1927)  Page(s) 9.  
Kelway's New Single Pæonies of 1926
Bethcar, deep cherry-rose, stands up well, fairly late, large. 10/6 each.
(1927)  Page(s) 13.  
Kelway's New Double Pæonies of 1926
Flowers like double Roses, in giant size and in every variety of form.
Bewitching, semi-double, lovely pink, good habit. 15/- each.
(1927)  Page(s) 9.  
Kelway's New Single Pæonies of 1926
Bloodstone, purple-red, tall and free. 15/- each.
(1927)  Page(s) 13.  
Kelway's New Double Pæonies of 1926
Flowers like double Roses, in giant size and in every variety of form.
British Beauty, deep cabbage-rose colour, full, incurved regular shape, stands up well, strongly spice-scented. 15/- each.
(1927)  Page(s) 10.  
Kelway's Lovely Single-Flowered Pæonies
General Collection
E. St. Hill, one of the largest single Pæonies, many flowers measuring 8½ inches across. Deep rose-pink, shaded white at the edges with yellow centre. The well-formed flowers are borne on strong, tall upright stems well above the foliage. Rather like our famous Nellie. 15/- each.
(1927)  Page(s) 9.  
Kelway's New Single Pæonies of 1926
English Elegance, delicate flesh-pink, flowers of charming shape, large, in bunches. Plant of good habit. 21/- each.
(1927)  Page(s) 24.  Includes photo(s).
Kelway's "Imperial Pæonies"
Her Grace, delicate light pink, with yellow petaloids; grand. 10/6 each.
(1927)  Page(s) 18.  Includes photo(s).
Kelway's Lovely Double Herbaceous Pæonies
James Kelway, very fine white; beautifully scented; of exquisite form. Has proved to be one of the very finest and most satisfactory of all Pæonies. 5/- each.
(1927)  Page(s) 13.  
Kelway's New Double Pæonies of 1926
Flowers like double Roses, in giant size and in every variety of form.
James William Kelway, a huge flower, very bright rose, shining gold centre. Extra. Three guineas each.
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