The growth of half a century
(1924) Page(s) 52. Aviateur Blériot. HW. (Fauque & Sons, 1910). R. Wichuraiana x William Allen Richardson. The beautiful little golden yellow buds develop to full, double, primrose blooms with a golden center, and having a delightful magnolia-like fragrance. A vigorous grower, producing many large clusters of flowers. Considering its fine quality, this variety has not yet received sufficient attention from rosarians.
(1924) Page(s) 42. Miss Edith Cavell . D.Pol . ( Meiderwyk , 1917. ) Sport of Orleans Rose . One of the most desirable Polyantha roses , for its large , brilliant scarlet flowers , borne in trusses of great size ; good lasting qualities .
(1924) Page(s) 56. Miss Helyett (Fauque & Son, 1909.) HW. R. Wichuraiana x Ernest Metz. The earliest hardy climber to bloom. Deep pink, shaded red, short, round buds that open to large, fragarnt, very double, full flowers of blush-pink with a trace of yellow; three to five flowers in a cluster. Vigorous grower, with attractive disease-resistant foliage.
(1924) Page(s) 60. Mrs. Robert Peary . Cl .HT . ( De Voecht & De Wilde , 1897. ) A beautiful , perfectly shaped rose of waxy white , shading to soft primrose . Has been sold as Climbing Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria .
(1924) Page(s) 39. White Mme. Caroline Testout. HT. (Bide, 1911.) A sport of Mme. Caroline Testout, with pure white flowers; otherwise like the parent.