Geo. H. Mellen Co. catalogue
(1911) Page(s) 3. Includes photo(s). Cover illustration.
p3. The New Irish Ever-Blooming Killarney A very beautiful Hybrid Tea Rose. The color is an exquisite shade of deep shell-pink lightened with silvery-pink. The base of the petals is a soft silvery-white, relieved with enough yellow to make it more attractive. The buds are exceptionally long and beautifully formed, the open flower is graceful in the extreme. It is free in growth; strong, heavy shoots, which are crowned with buds. This has become a great favorite for winter flowers and is worthy of the high place it has attained. It has proved hardy in this climate without protection. In the garden the flowers are very lasting, the coloring remaining clear and bright to the last. It has a delicate Tea Rose fragrance.
(1911) Page(s) 17. Climbing Killarney is a sport of the now popular cut-flower Rose Killarney and excels any variety of its class and color ever introduced. Anticipating that it will immediately become popular, we have propagated a good stock of it, and can guarantee every plant sent out to be true to name. Climbing Killarney makes a strong growth with a beautiful deep-bronzy green foliage, bearing its long, pointed buds and flowers on heavy shoots and canes. The color is an exquisite shade of deep brilliant pink. Flowers immense in size with petals of great substance and delightful fragrance. A great new Rose.
(1900) Page(s) Inside front cover. Includes photo(s). Edward Littaye. The buds are beautiful, large, full and firm. and elegantly pointed; as they expand the petals show great depth and richness. The flower is superb when open, extra large and perfectly double. Small pot plants, when planted in open ground, quickly make large, strong bushes that produce, on long, stiff stems, great numbers of perfect flowers that are enchanting in fragrance and delicate brightness. It is a clear rich pink, changing to a silvery rose; healthy; is hardy with ordinary protection.